Double-word (???)

Double-words are 32-bit (four byte) unsigned integers with a range of 0 to 4,294,967,295  ( 0 to 2^32-1).  The type-specifier character for a Double-word is: ???.

Double-word variables are identified by following the variable name with three question marks (i.e., var???), or by using the DEFDWD statement as described in the previous discussion of Integers.  You can also declare Double word variables using the DWORD keyword with the DIM statement.  For example:


As for Word values and Integers, Double-word values have a larger positive range than a Long-integer, and still require only four bytes.  Double-word values are useful for indicating absolute memory addresses, such as may be used to store pointer values.

A PowerBASIC Double-word is equivalent to a UINT32 in C/C++.  In 32-bit C/C++ code, a UINT is also equivalent to a PowerBASIC Double-word variable.  Note that 16-bit C/C++ code uses UINT to describe a 16-bit Word variable.

A C++ unsigned int and a Delphi longword are equivalent to a PowerBASIC Double-word.


See Also

Array Data Types

Bit Data Types

Constants and Literals

Floating Point Data Types 

GUID Data Types

Integer Data Types 

Object Data Types

Pointer Data Types

String Data Types 

User Defined Types


Variant Data Types