What is a Base Class?

The term "Base Class" is truly a misnomer, since it's actually an interface.  The truth is, this term probably originated from those who use a programming language which supports only one interface per class.  (Note: PowerBASIC allows an unlimited number of interfaces.) On those limited platforms, the distinction between a class and an interface tends to blur.  However, since the term "Base Class" enjoys fairly wide usage already, it's probably best if we just learn to live with it and love it.

Every PowerBASIC interface must ultimately derive from the IUnknown interface, since it provides information about an object that the compiler must have to manage these affairs accurately.  Previously, we discussed the concept of adding INHERIT IUNKNOWN as the first line of every Interface Block.  In that way, PowerBASIC just inserts the necessary source code for you, so that the new interface you are creating will derive all the functionality of IUNKNOWN, but still save you from all of that typing.  What we didn't tell you at first was that there are really 3 System Base Classes in PowerBASIC.  The other two can be used, because they, too, are derived from IUNKNOWN.

So, the real definition of a Base Class is "The interface from which a newly created interface is derived".  To implement any of the system interfaces, you would just use INHERIT followed by the Base Class name as the first line of the interface block.  They are:


If this option is chosen, your methods may only be accessed using a Direct Interface, the most efficient form of access.  It uses the STDCALL calling conventions, and uses return value conventions normally associated with C++.  This style of Base Class is also known as a CUSTOM INTERFACE, so you can use "INHERIT CUSTOM" in place of "INHERIT IUNKNOWN" if that's more comfortable for you.


If this option is chosen, your methods may only be accessed using a Direct Interface, the most efficient form of access.  It uses the STDCALL calling conventions, and uses return value conventions involving a hidden parameter on the stack.  Automation Methods must use parameters, return values, and assignment variables which are AUTOMATION compatible: BYTE, WORD, DWORD, INTEGER, LONG, QUAD, SINGLE, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, OBJECT, STRING, and VARIANT.  All Automation Methods return a hidden result code which is called the hResult. This is not really a handle, as the name suggests, but a result code to report the success or failure of a call to a METHOD or PROPERTY.  "AUTOMATION" is a synonym for "IAUTOMATION", so you can substitute "INHERIT AUTOMATION" in your code if that's more comfortable for you.  Automation Interfaces have become more popular than Custom Interfaces in recent times, likely due to availability of the hResult hidden result code.


If this option is chosen, PowerBASIC will automatically create a DUAL Interface for you.  That means your methods can be accessed using a Direct Interface (using Automation conventions described above), or the slower DISPATCH Interface, if that's what is needed. This is certainly the most flexible Base Class, and the only one which should be used if your methods will be accessed by code from a programming language other than PowerBASIC.  In a DUAL interface, both forms return the hResult hidden result to report the success or failure of the operation.  You may use the term "INHERIT DUAL" in place of "INHERIT IDISPATCH", if that's more comfortable for you.  While a class may have any number of direct interfaces, only one DUAL or IDISPATCH interface is allowed.


See Also

What is an object, anyway?

What does a Class look like?

What does an Interface look like?

Just what is COM?