
The following functions control compiler and debugger behavior:


Align the next instruction to a boundary.


Determine if an equate has been previously defined


Artificially inflate the disk image size of a compiled program


Enable or disable "Control-Break" as a means of terminating the program.


Determine which type of file will be created by the compiler


Define the compiler for this program


Enable or disable auto-creation of a console window upon execution of the program.


Compiler directive to suppress generation of debugging code.


Display a message when an untrapped run-time error occurs.


Control generation of error checking code


Display information in the IDE's Debug Window


Specify if variables must be declared before use


Define sections of source code to be compiled or ignored


Instruct the compiler to read an additional source file from disk


Mark the file as requiring NT3.5; Win95/NT4; or Win2000/XP


Control automatic allocation of Register variables


Embed a PowerBASIC Resource file into the executable file


Set the maximum potential stack size


Enable/disable integrated development tools in compiled code


Compiler directive to allow external utility programs to read text inserted on the #UTILITY line.