XPRINT COPY statement


Copy a bitmap to a host printer page.


XPRINT COPY hbmpSource???, id& [, style&]

XPRINT COPY hbmpSource???, id& TO (x!, y!) [, style&]

XPRINT COPY hbmpSource???, id&, (x1!, y1!)-(x2!, y2!) TO (x!, y!) [, style%]


You can copy a complete bitmap, or a portion of it, to the host printer page.  The expression hbmpSource??? specifies the handle of the source bitmap or window.  The expression id& is reserved for future use, and must always be set to zero.  The destination of the copy operation is the host printer page.  You must use care that your parameters are valid for the specified bitmaps, or results of the operation are undefined.

The first form of the XPRINT COPY statement copies the complete bitmap, positioning it at (0,0), which is the upper left corner of the destination.

The second form of XPRINT COPY also copies the complete bitmap, but positions it at the point specified by the parameter (x!, y!).

The third form copies a portion of the bitmap, positioning it at the point specified by the parameter (x!, y!).  If style& is included, it is one of the following values:


Pixel is the inverse of the MergeSrc color.


Pixel is the inverse of the pen color.


Pixel is a combination of the colors common to both the source and the inverse of the pixel.


Pixel is a combination of the colors in the source and in the pixel, but not in both.


Pixel is a combination of the colors common to both the source and the pixel.


Pixel is a combination of the source color and the inverse of the pixel color.


Pixel is the source color (default).


Pixel is a combination of the source color and the pixel color.

A host printer must first be connected with XPRINT ATTACH.  If a host printer is not attached, error 57 is generated.

See also