Error Overview

Unlike the DOS versions of PowerBASIC, Windows versions of PowerBASIC employ a completely different philosophy: to generate the smallest and fastest possible code.  Consequently, error handling is placed firmly in the hands of the programmer.  This section describes the types of errors that may be encountered, and follows on with a discussion on error detection and error handling techniques.

There are two fundamental types of errors in PowerBASIC: Run-time and Compile-time.  Compile-time errors are errors in syntax discovered by the compiler.  Run-time errors are anomalies caught at run-time by error-detection mechanisms that the compiler places in your programs.

Examples of Run-time errors include file-system errors (disk full or write-protected), improper function calls ( COMM statements without an installed serial port), memory errors (usually, not enough), and a host of other problems. 


See Also

Numeric Errors

Error range

User-defined Errors

Compile-time errors

Run-time errors

Disk Errors