Example COM controller application

The following code is a complete COM automation controller that exports a data table to Microsoft Excel™ and then displays a pie chart of the data.  The code is heavily commented, and does not use a single API call, but does rely on the #INCLUDE file that contains the Interface definitions and numeric equates for Excel.  This file was generated by the PowerBASIC COM Browser utility, and used without any editing.

This code can be used as the basis of a COM automation controller for your own applications.

Requires Excel 97 or later to be installed.


#INCLUDE "ExcelApp.inc"



  ' Object Variables

  DIM oExcelApp       AS ExcelApplication

  DIM oExcelWorkbook  AS ExcelWorkbook

  DIM oExcelWorkSheet AS ExcelWorkSheet

  DIM oExcelChart     AS ExcelChart


  ' General Object param variables

  DIM vBool           AS VARIANT

  DIM vVnt            AS VARIANT

  DIM oVnt            AS VARIANT

  DIM vText           AS VARIANT

  DIM vRange          AS VARIANT

  DIM vX              AS VARIANT

  DIM vY              AS VARIANT


  ' Chart Object param variables

  DIM vGallery        AS VARIANT

  DIM vFormat         AS VARIANT

  DIM vPlotBy         AS VARIANT

  DIM vCatLabels      AS VARIANT

  DIM vSerLabels      AS VARIANT

  DIM vHasLegend      AS VARIANT

  DIM vTitle          AS VARIANT


  ' SaveAs Object param variables

  DIM vFile           AS VARIANT

  DIM vFileFmt        AS VARIANT


  ' Open an instance of EXCEL

  LET oExcelApp = ExcelApplication IN _



    LET oExcelApp = NEW ExcelApplication IN $PROGID_ExcelApplication8


  ' Could EXCEL be opened? If not, terminate this app



  ' Create a new workbook in EXCEL

  OBJECT CALL oExcelApp.WorkBooks.Add TO oVnt


  ' Copy the Interface reference into an Object Variable

  LET oExcelWorkbook = oVnt


  ' Create a new worksheet in the workbook and use this

  ' worksheet reference to pump data into EXCEL

  OBJECT CALL oExcelWorkBook.WorkSheets.Add TO oVnt


  ' Copy the Interface reference into an Object Variable

  LET oExcelWorkSheet = oVnt


  ' Format and send data for cells A1:L1

  LET vRange = "A1:G1"


  ' Create a Day of the Week array for A1:G1

  DIM a$(1 TO 7)

  a$(1) = "Monday"    : a$(2) = "Tuesday"

  a$(3) = "Wednesday" : a$(4) = "Thursday"

  a$(5) = "Friday"    : a$(6) = "Saturday"

  a$(7) = "Sunday"


  LET vText = a$()

  OBJECT LET oExcelWorkSheet.Range(vRange).Value = vText


 ' Center the column title text

  LET vVnt = %xlHAlignCenter

  OBJECT LET oExcelWorkSheet.Range(vRange).HorizontalAlignment = vVnt


  ' Set the font attributes and border for this header line

  OBJECT LET oExcelWorkSheet.Range(vRange).Font.Bold = vBool


  ' Color the text Blue

  LET vVnt = RGB(0,0,255)

  OBJECT LET oExcelWorkSheet.Range(vRange).Font.Color = vVnt


  ' Set the column width to approx 11 characters

  LET vVnt = 11

  OBJECT LET oExcelWorkSheet.Range(vRange).ColumnWidth = vVnt


  ' Enclose the table with a border

  LET vRange = "A1:G2"

  LET vVnt = %xlMedium        ' Medium density border

  OBJECT CALL oExcelWorkSheet.Range(vRange).BorderAround(Weight = vVnt)


  ' Format and send data for cells A2:G2

  LET vRange = "A2:G2"


  ' Create a sales value array for each day of the week

  DIM b@(1 TO 7)


  FOR y& = 1 TO 7

    b@(y&) = RND(1,100000)

  NEXT y&

  LET vVnt = b@()

  OBJECT LET oExcelWorkSheet.Range(vRange).Value = vVnt


  ' Format these cells in money (currency) format, ie: "$#.##"

  LET vText = "Currency"

  OBJECT LET oExcelWorkSheet.Range(vRange).Style = vText


 ' Now we can make EXCEL visible to the user

  LET vBool = 1

  OBJECT LET oExcelApp.Visible = vBool


  ' Prepare the chart

  OBJECT GET oExcelApp.Charts.Add TO oVnt


  ' Copy the Interface reference into an Object Variable

  LET oExcelChart = oVnt


  ' Set the range of cells to use in the table. Here it's 7x2

  LET vRange = "A1:G2"

  OBJECT GET oExcelWorkSheet.Range(vRange) TO vRange


  ' Set the Chart parameters

  LET vGallery   = %xl3DPie

  LET vFormat    = 7

  LET vPlotBy    = %xlRows

  LET vCatLabels = 1

  LET vSerLabels = 1

  LET vHasLegend = 2

  LET vTitle     = "Sales percentages"


  ' Launch the Chart using named parameters

  OBJECT CALL oExcelChart.ChartWizard( _

    Source          = vRange, _

    Gallery         = vGallery, _

    Format          = vFormat, _

    PlotBy          = vPlotBy, _

    CategoryLabels  = vCatLabels, _

    SeriesLabels    = vSerLabels, _

    HasLegend       = vHasLegend, _

    Title           = vTitle)


  #IF %DEF(%PB_CC32)

    PRINT "Press a key to continue the demo"



    MSGBOX "Click to continue the demo", &H00002000& ' = %MB_TASKMODAL



  ' un-Rem the next line for a Print Preview of the table

  '  Object call oExcelWorksheet.PrintPreview


  ' un-REM next line to stop "save workbook" prompting

  '  OBJECT LET oExcelWorkBook.Saved = vBool


  ' Save the Worksheet to disk - may trigger an "Overwrite?"

  ' prompt if the file already exists.  We could either

  ' delete the file ahead of time or supply a unique name

  LET vFile = "Test.Xls"

  OBJECT CALL oExcelWorkSheet.SaveAs(vFile)


  ' Close the current Worksheet and close EXCEL

  OBJECT CALL oExcelApp.ActiveWindow.Close

  OBJECT CALL oExcelApp.Quit


  ' Release the Interfaces.  We could omit this since the

  ' app is about to close, but "best practice" states we

  ' should clean our house before moving out.

  LET oExcelApp       = NOTHING

  LET oExcelWorkbook  = NOTHING

  LET oExcelWorkSheet = NOTHING

  LET oExcelChart     = NOTHING



See Also

The PowerBASIC COM Browser

COM Programming Introduction