ASC statement


Place an ASCII byte at the specified position in a string.


ASC(string, position&) = byte_expression


ASC places the ASCII code (0 to 255) of the specified character code byte_expression into string at position&.  The first character of the string is position one, followed by position two, etc.  If position& is negative, ASC counts from the end of the string.  For example, if position& is -2, the second to last character in string is modified.

See the ASC function for more information on ASCII codes.


The ASC statement cannot be used to extend the length of a string.  If string is null (zero-length), or position is zero or greater than the length of string, the operation is ignored.

See also

ASC function, CHR$, MID$ statement


A$ = "hello There"
ASC(A$,1) = 72 'replace 1st character with an "H"