You can define
$Name = "John Smith"
$Fullname = "John" & " Smith"
$UserName = $First & $Last
$PrintCode = CHR$(27, 34, "E") + SPACE$(10) + CHR$(65 TO 90)
$AppGuid = GUID$("{01234567-89AB-CDEF-FEDC-BA9876543210}")
A string equate can include the double-quote character, simply by doubling the character within the string. For example:
$ABC = "This is a ""string"""
String equates are individually limited to 255 characters. Attempting to create a longer string equate will trigger a compile-time Error 489 ("Invalid string length").
As with numeric equates, PowerBASIC pre-calculates the string equate content during compilation to avoid unnecessary concatenation operations at run-time. Duplicate definitions of both numeric and string equates are permitted by PowerBASIC, provided the actual content is identical. If the content is not identical, a compile-time Error 468 ("Duplicate Equate") will occur.
See Also