As described in the What is the PowerBASIC COM Browser topic, the PowerBASIC COM Browser is a browser utility application that exposes the Interfaces, Methods, and Properties in a type-library. It is also used to generate PowerBASIC compatible source code to be used in your application.
We will walk through an example of using the PowerBASIC COM Browser to locate a registered type library, generate the PowerBASIC compatible source code, and then use this source code in a PowerBASIC For Windows application.
Start the PowerBASIC COM Browser
Open the Options dialog by selecting Tools | Options and select the following options:
Always use an Interface Prefix : Off
Interface Prefix : Agent
Prefix ProgIDs, ClassIDs... : Off
Use ANSI Strings : Off
Use Singular Enumerations : Off
Generate Dispatch Interfaces : Off
Include Parameter Names : On
Use Property Get/Set statements : On
Click the OK button to save and close the Options dialog.
Locate the Microsoft Agent Control 2.0 type library. This will be listed under the "Registered Library" heading with the text of "Microsoft Agent Control 2.0" or under the "Filename" heading of "agentctl.dll". If you do not have this type library installed it can be downloaded for free from After installing the Microsoft Agent Control 2.0 type library click the Reload button to update the list of registered type libraries.
Double-click on the Microsoft Agent Control 2.0 type library listed in the list of Registered type libraries, to generate the PowerBASIC compatible source code for this object.
Click the "Save As..." button and save it with the name of ""
Close the PowerBASIC COM Browser
Start the PowerBASIC For Windows IDE
Click the Create New File button in the IDE
Paste the following code into the new file created in the IDE
#COMPILER PBWIN 10 #COMPILE EXE #DIM ALL %ID_START = 1000 %ID_STOP = 1001 %ID_EVENTLIST = 1003 GLOBAL hDlg AS LONG ' MS Agent Control include file generated by PBrow.exe #INCLUDE "" ' Display an error message MACRO DisplayError(TXT) IF ISTRUE(ISOBJECT(AgentEvents)) THEN ' Detach the events handler EVENTS END AgentEvents END IF ' Print the error and then exit the callback routine MSGBOX TXT, %MB_OK OR %MB_ICONERROR, "MS Agent Error" EXIT FUNCTION END MACRO CALLBACK FUNCTION DlgProc STATIC AgentCtrlEx AS IAgentCtlEx STATIC AgentChars AS IAgentCtlCharacters STATIC AgentCharsEx AS IAgentCtlCharacterEx STATIC AgentEvents AS Agent_AgentEvents LOCAL StartX AS LONG LOCAL StartY AS LONG LOCAL CharW AS LONG LOCAL CharH AS LONG LOCAL SpeakTxt AS WSTRING SELECT CASE AS LONG CB.MSG CASE %WM_INITDIALOG ' Create the Agent Control Object AgentCtrlEx = NEWCOM $PROGID_Agent IF ISFALSE(ISOBJECT(AgentCtrlEx)) THEN DisplayError("The Microsoft Agent Control 2.0 is not installed. This control can be " + _ "downloaded from") END IF ' Create the Events handler interface AgentEvents = CLASS "Class_Agent_AgentEvents" IF ISFALSE(ISOBJECT(AgentEvents)) THEN DisplayError("Error creating the event interface.") END IF ' Attach the Events handler interface to the Agent Control EVENTS FROM AgentCtrlEx CALL AgentEvents ' Create the Characters interface AgentChars = AgentCtrlEx.Characters IF ISFALSE(ISOBJECT(AgentChars)) OR OBJRESULT <> %S_OK THEN DisplayError("Error creating the Microsoft Agent Control 2.0 Characters interface.") END IF 'Enable the Start button CONTROL ENABLE CBHNDL, %ID_START CASE %WM_COMMAND SELECT CASE AS LONG CB.CTL CASE %ID_START IF CB.CTLMSG = %BN_CLICKED OR CB.CTLMSG = 1 THEN ' Load the Merlin agent into the Characters interface AgentChars.Load("Merlin"$$, "Merlin.acs"$$) IF OBJRESULT <> %S_OK THEN DisplayError("The Microsoft Agent Control 2.0 Merlin Character is not installed. This character " + _ "can be downloaded from") END IF ' Load the Merlin character into the CharactersEx Interface AgentCharsEx = AgentChars.Character("Merlin"$$) IF ISTRUE(ISOBJECT(AgentCharsEx)) THEN ' Show the Merlin agent on the screen AgentCharsEx.Show(0) ' Get the Width and Height of the Merlin agent CharW = AgentCharsEx.Width CharH = AgentCharsEx.Height ' Get the Width and Height of the Desktop DESKTOP GET CLIENT TO StartX, StartY ' Find the center of the desktop for Merlin agent StartX = (StartX - CharW)\2 StartY = (StartY - CharH)\2 ' Move the Merlin agent to the center of the desktop AgentCharsEx.MoveTo(StartX, StartY) ' Have the Merlin agent play the trumpet AgentCharsEx.Play("Announce"$$) ' Make the Merlin agent speak SpeakTxt = "With \map="+$DQ+"Powur bay sick!"+$DQ+"="+$DQ+"PowerBASIC"+$DQ+ _ "\ \Pau=300\you can be a \map="+$DQ+ "wizurd too!"+$DQ+"="+$DQ+"wizard too!"+$DQ AgentcharsEx.Speak(SpeakTxt) ' Disable the Start button and enable the Stop button CONTROL DISABLE CBHNDL, %ID_START CONTROL ENABLE CBHNDL, %ID_STOP END IF END IF CASE %ID_STOP IF CB.CTLMSG = %BN_CLICKED OR CB.CTLMSG = 1 THEN ' Stop all actions by the Merlin agent and unload it AgentCharsEx.Stop AgentChars.Unload("Merlin"$$) ' Enable the Start button and disable the Stop button CONTROL ENABLE CBHNDL, %ID_START CONTROL DISABLE CBHNDL, %ID_STOP END IF END SELECT CASE %WM_DESTROY IF ISTRUE(ISOBJECT(AgentEvents)) THEN ' Detach the event handler interface EVENTS END AgentEvents END IF END SELECT END FUNCTION FUNCTION PBMAIN () AS LONG DIALOG NEW 0, "COM Browser Tutorial", 201, 122, 198, 115, %WS_POPUP OR %WS_BORDER OR %WS_DLGFRAME OR %WS_CAPTION OR _ %WS_SYSMENU OR %WS_MINIMIZEBOX OR %WS_CLIPSIBLINGS OR %WS_VISIBLE OR %DS_MODALFRAME OR %DS_3DLOOK OR _ %DS_NOFAILCREATE OR %DS_SETFONT, %WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT OR %WS_EX_LEFT OR %WS_EX_LTRREADING OR _ %WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR, TO hDlg CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %ID_START, "Start Agent", 5, 5, 50, 15, %WS_CHILD OR %WS_VISIBLE OR %WS_DISABLED OR _ %WS_TABSTOP OR %BS_TEXT OR %BS_PUSHBUTTON OR %BS_CENTER OR %BS_VCENTER, %WS_EX_LEFT OR %WS_EX_LTRREADING CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %ID_STOP, "Stop Agent", 5, 25, 50, 15, %WS_CHILD OR %WS_VISIBLE OR %WS_DISABLED OR _ %WS_TABSTOP OR %BS_TEXT OR %BS_PUSHBUTTON OR %BS_CENTER OR %BS_VCENTER, %WS_EX_LEFT OR %WS_EX_LTRREADING CONTROL ADD LISTBOX, hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, , 70, 0, 125, 110, %WS_CHILD OR %WS_VISIBLE OR %WS_TABSTOP OR %WS_VSCROLL, _ %WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE OR %WS_EX_LEFT OR %WS_EX_LTRREADING OR %WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR DIALOG SHOW MODAL hDlg, CALL DlgProc END FUNCTION
Click the Save All button and save this file as "agent.bas" in the same directory that you save "" to in step #4
Open the "" file in the IDE
Search (CTRL+F) in the IDE for the text of "IAgentCtl event interface" (without the quotes). The methods of this interface are called when an event occurs in the Microsoft Agent Control. We will add code to these methods that will display the event that occurred in the dialogs listbox. Make the Class_Agent_AgentEvents, look like the following:
CLASS Class_Agent_AgentEvents $CLSID_Event__AgentEvents AS EVENT INTERFACE Agent_AgentEvents $IID_Agent_AgentEvents INHERIT IDISPATCH METHOD ActivateInput <1> (BYREF CharacterID AS WSTRING) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Input Activated" END METHOD METHOD DeactivateInput <3> (BYREF CharacterID AS WSTRING) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Input Deactivated" END METHOD METHOD CLICK <2> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING, BYVAL BUTTON AS INTEGER, BYVAL Param_Shift AS INTEGER, BYVAL x AS INTEGER, _ BYVAL y AS INTEGER) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Click at ("+FORMAT$(x)+","+FORMAT$(y)+")" END METHOD METHOD DblClick <4> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING, BYVAL BUTTON AS INTEGER, BYVAL Param_Shift AS INTEGER, BYVAL x AS INTEGER, _ BYVAL y AS INTEGER) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Double Click at ("+FORMAT$(x)+","+FORMAT$(y)+")" END METHOD METHOD DragStart <5> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING, BYVAL BUTTON AS INTEGER, BYVAL Param_Shift AS INTEGER, BYVAL x AS INTEGER, _ BYVAL y AS INTEGER) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Drag Start at ("+FORMAT$(x)+","+FORMAT$(y)+")" END METHOD METHOD DragComplete <6> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING, BYVAL BUTTON AS INTEGER, BYVAL Param_Shift AS INTEGER, BYVAL x AS INTEGER, _ BYVAL y AS INTEGER) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Drag Complete to ("+FORMAT$(x)+","+FORMAT$(y)+")" END METHOD METHOD SHOW <15> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING, BYVAL Cause AS INTEGER) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Character is showing" END METHOD METHOD HIDE <7> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING, BYVAL Cause AS INTEGER) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Character is hidden" END METHOD METHOD RequestStart <9> (BYVAL Request AS IDISPATCH) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Request Start" END METHOD METHOD RequestComplete <11> (BYVAL Request AS IDISPATCH) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Request Complete" END METHOD METHOD Restart <21> () ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD Shutdown <12> () ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD Bookmark <16> (BYVAL BookmarkID AS LONG) ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD COMMAND <17> (BYVAL UserInput AS IDISPATCH) ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD IdleStart <19> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING) ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD IdleComplete <20> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING) ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD MOVE <22> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING, BYVAL x AS INTEGER, BYVAL y AS INTEGER, BYVAL Cause AS INTEGER) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Move to ("+FORMAT$(x)+","+FORMAT$(y)+")" END METHOD METHOD SIZE <23> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING, BYVAL Param_Width AS INTEGER, BYVAL Height AS INTEGER) ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD BalloonShow <24> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Showing balloon text" END METHOD METHOD BalloonHide <25> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING) LISTBOX INSERT hDlg, %ID_EVENTLIST, 1, "Hiding balloon text" END METHOD METHOD HelpComplete <26> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING, BYVAL Param_Name AS WSTRING, BYVAL Cause AS INTEGER) ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD ListenStart <27> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING) ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD ListenComplete <28> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING, BYVAL Cause AS INTEGER) ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD DefaultCharacterChange <30> (BYREF Param_GUID AS WSTRING) ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD AgentPropertyChange <31> () ' Insert your code here END METHOD METHOD ActiveClientChange <32> (BYVAL CharacterID AS WSTRING, BYVAL Active AS INTEGER) ' Insert your code here END METHOD END INTERFACE END CLASS
In the IDE, click the compile and run button. The application will be displayed as
Click the "Start Agent" button and the Merlin character will
display in the top left corner of the screen then move to the center of
the desktop and play a trumpet then speak. If you wish to hear the text
shown in the balloon when Merlin is speaking, you will need to download
and install the free SAPI 4.0 and a Text to Speech Engine from
You can click, double-click, drag and drop, hide (right-click on
Merlin and select Hide), or show (right-click on Merlin in the systems
tray and select Show) and see these events listed in the listview
control on the dialog box.
Click the Stop Agent button to stop and unload the Merlin character.
See Also
What is the PowerBASIC COM Browser
The PowerBASIC COM Browser User Interface