PB/Win Command Line Switches


Include /I

The /I command-line option provides the compiler with a search path list when looking for #INCLUDE and #RESOURCE files. Multiple directories can be specified in this path list by separating each path with a semicolon ( ; ).

During compilation, the compiler scans this path list for the necessary files before checking the current (default) directory. To ensure that the current (default) directory is searched ahead of this path list, specify a period followed by a backslash (\) at the beginning of the path list. For example:


The Include parameter also works with Long File Name (LFN) paths, provided that individual LFNs are enclosed in quotes. For example:

/I"C:\Program files\My Applications\";C:\PB;"D:\Source Code\"

See #INCLUDE and #RESOURCE for additional details.


Log /L

The /L command-line option causes the compiler to generate a log file with all of the compile results, including error code and error line number, if an error occurs during compile-time.


Quiet /Q

The /Q command-line option causes the compiler not to display a message box when compiling is finished. This should only be used with the /L option.


Command /C

The /C command-line option specifies a filename that contains the complete command-line. This may be used to specify very long command lines to the compiler of up to 1024 bytes, which may otherwise exceed the operating system limits. This may be useful in situations where the /I path is very long, and the full path to the source file is very long. The /C option may not be used in conjunction with any other command-line options.


See Also

Running PB/Win

Running PB/Win From Windows

Running PB/Win From DOS