Private: (Access Control)
Specifies private member access control in a Type or Class


Type typename
member declarations
End Type


name of the Type or Class
member declarations
declarations for fields, functions, or enumerations


Private: indicates that member declarations following it have private access. Private members are accessible only from inside a member function for the Type or Class.

member declarations following Private: are private until a different access control specifier is given, like Public: or Protected:.

Members in a Type declaration are Public: by default if no member access control specifier is given.


Type testing
  number As Integer
    nome As String
  Declare Sub setNome( ByRef newnome As String )
End Type

Sub testing.setnome( ByRef newnome As String )
  '' This is OK. We're inside a member function for the type
  this.nome = newnome
End Sub

Dim As testing myVariable

'' This is OK, number is public
myVariable.number = 69

'' this would generate a compile error 
'' - nome is private and we're trying to access it outside any of this TYPE's member functions 
'' myVariable.nome = "FreeBASIC"

Dialect Differences

  • Available only in the -lang fb dialect.

Differences from QB

  • New to FreeBASIC

See also