Mid (Function)
Returns a substring of a string


Declare Function Mid ( ByRef str as Const String, ByVal start as integer ) as String
Declare Function Mid ( ByVal str as Const WString Ptr, ByVal start as integer ) as WString
Declare Function Mid ( ByRef str as Const String, ByVal start as integer, ByVal n as integer ) as String
Declare Function Mid ( ByVal str as Const WString Ptr, ByVal start as integer, ByVal n as integer ) as WString


result = Mid[$]( str, start [, n ] )


The source string.
The start position in str of the substring. The first character starts at position 1.
The substring length, in characters.


Returns a substring starting from start in str. If str is empty then the null string ("") is returned. If start <= 0 then the null string ("") is returned.

In the first form of Mid, all of the remaining characters are returned. In the second form, if n < 0 or n >= len(str) then all of the remaining characters are returned.


Print Mid("abcdefg", 3, 2)
Print Mid("abcdefg", 3)
Print Mid("abcdefg", 2, 1)

will produce the output:
A Unicode example:
Wiki: code rendered this way to allow display of the Unicode characters.


Platform Differences

  • DOS does not support the wide-character string versions of Mid.

Dialect Differences

  • The string type suffix "$" is obligatory in the -lang qb dialect.
  • The string type suffix "$" is optional in the -lang fblite and -lang fb dialects.

Differences from QB

  • QB does not support Unicode.

See also
dim text as wstring * 20
text = "Привет, мир!"
print mid(text, 6, 4) ' displays "т, м"