Returns e raised to the power of a given number


result = Exp( number )


The Double number that e is raised to the power of.

Return Value

Returns the Double value of e raised to power of number.


The mathematical constant e, also called Euler's constant, is the base of the Exp and Log and is an irrational and transcendental number. The value of e to twenty significant figures is: 2.7182818284590452354. The required number argument can be any valid numeric expression within range of the function. If number is too large, Exp returns infinity. If number is too small, Exp returns zero (0.0). If number is zero, 1.0 is returned. The exact limit on number is based on the math processor.


'Compute Continuous Compound Interest
Dim r As Double
Dim p As Double
Dim t As Double
Dim a As Double

Input "Please enter the initial investment (principal amount): "; p
Input "Please enter the annual interest rate (as a decimal): "; r
Input "Please enter the number of years to invest: "; t

a = p * Exp ( r * t )
Print ""
Print "After";t;" years, at an interest rate of"; r * 100; "%, your initial investment of"; p; " would be worth";a

The output would look like:
Please enter the initial investment (principal amount): 100
Please enter the annual interest rate (As a decimal): .08
Please enter the number of years To invest: 20
After 20 years, at an interest rate of 8%, your initial investment of 100 would be worth 495.3032424395115

Differences from QB

  • None

See also