Statement for sequenced pixel plotting
Draw [target,] cmd
the buffer to draw on
a string containing the sequence of commands
Drawing will take place onto the current work page set via
ScreenSet or onto the
target Get/
Put buffer if specified.
Draw statement can be used to issue several drawing commands all at once; it is useful to quickly draw figures. The command string accepts the following commands:
Commands to plot pixels:
Command | Description |
| Commands to plot pixels: |
B | Optional prefix: move but do not draw. |
N | Optional prefix: draw but do not move. |
M x,y | Move to specified screen location. if a '+' or '-' sign precedes x, movement is relative to current cursor position. x's sign has no effect on the sign of y. |
U [n] | Move n units up. If n is omitted, 1 is assumed. |
D [n] | Move n units down. If n is omitted, 1 is assumed. |
L [n] | Move n units left. If n is omitted, 1 is assumed. |
R [n] | Move n units right. If n is omitted, 1 is assumed. |
E [n] | Move n units up and right. If n is omitted, 1 is assumed. |
F [n] | Move n units down and right. If n is omitted, 1 is assumed. |
G [n] | Move n units down and left. If n is omitted, 1 is assumed. |
H [n] | Move n units up and left. If n is omitted, 1 is assumed. |
| Commands to color: |
C n | Changes current foreground color to n. |
P p,b | PAINTs (flood fills) region of border color b with color p. |
| Commands to scale and rotate: |
S n | Sets the current unit length, default is 4. A unit length of 4 is equal to 1 pixel. |
A n | Rotate n*90 degrees (n ranges 0-3). |
TA n | Rotate n degrees (n ranges 0-359). |
| Extra commands: |
X p | Executes commands at p, where p is a STRING PTR. |
Commands to set the color, size and angle will take affect all subsequent
Draw operations.
Screen 13
'Move to (50,50) without drawing
Draw "BM 50,50"
'Set drawing color to 2 (green)
Draw "C2"
'Draw a box
Draw "R50 D30 L50 U30"
'Move inside the box
Draw "BM +1,1"
'Flood fill with color 1 (blue) up to border color 2
Draw "P 1,2"

'' Draws a flower on-screen
Dim As Integer i, a, c
Dim As String fill, setangle
'' pattern for each petal
Dim As Const String petal = _
("X" & VarPtr(setangle)) _ '' link to angle-setting string
& "C15" _ '' set outline color (white)
& "M+100,+10" _ '' draw outline
"M +15,-10" _
"M -15,-10" _
"M-100,+10" _
& "BM+100,0" _ '' move inside petal
& ("X" & VarPtr(fill)) _ '' flood-fill petal (by linking to fill string)
& "BM-100,0" '' move back out
'' set screen
ScreenRes 320, 240, 8
'' move to center
Draw "BM 160, 120"
'' set initial angle and color number
a = 0: c = 32
For i = 1 To 24
'' make angle-setting and filling command strings
setangle = "TA" & a
fill = "P" & c & ",15"
'' draw the petal pattern, which links to angle-setting and filling strings
Draw petal
'' short delay
Sleep 100
'' increment angle and color number
a += 15: c += 1
Next i
Differences from QB
- target is new to FreeBASIC
- QB used the special pointer keyword VARPTR$ with the X p command.
- FB does not currently allow sub-pixel movements: all movements are rounded to the nearest integer coordinate.
See also