A powerful security toolkit which allows even inexperienced crypto programmers to easily add encryption and authentication services to their software.
Website: http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/cryptlib/
Platforms supported: Win32, Linux
Headers to include: cryptlib.bi
Header version: from 2005
Examples: in examples/math/cryptlib/
#include once "cryptlib.bi"
Function calc_hash( ByVal filename As String, ByVal algo As CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE ) As String
Const BUFFER_SIZE = 8192
Dim As Byte buffer( 0 To BUFFER_SIZE-1 )
'' create a new context using the wanted algorithm
cryptCreateContext( @ctx, CRYPT_UNUSED, algo )
'' open input file in binary mode
Dim As Integer f = FreeFile()
If( Open( filename For Binary Access Read As #f ) <> 0 ) Then
Return ""
End If
'' read until end-of-file
Do Until( EOF( f ) )
Dim As Integer oldpos = Seek( f )
Get #f, , buffer()
Dim As Integer readlength = Seek( f ) - oldpos
'' encrypt
cryptEncrypt( ctx, @buffer(0), readlength )
'' close input file
Close #f
'' finalize
cryptEncrypt( ctx, 0, 0 )
'' get the hash result
Dim As Integer buffersize = BUFFER_SIZE
cryptGetAttributeString( ctx, CRYPT_CTXINFO_HASHVALUE, @buffer(0), @buffersize )
'' convert to hexadecimal
Dim As String result = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To buffersize-1
result += Hex( buffer(i) )
'' free the context
cryptDestroyContext( ctx )
Return result
End Function
Dim As String filename = Trim( Command(1) )
If( Len( filename ) = 0 ) Then
Print "Usage: hash.exe filename"
End -1
End If
'' init cryptlib
cryptInit( )
'' calculate hashes
Print "md5: "; calc_hash( filename, CRYPT_ALGO_MD5 )
Print "sha: "; calc_hash( filename, CRYPT_ALGO_SHA )
'' shutdown cryptlib
cryptEnd( )