Easy-to-use library for creating, reading out or modifying .zip archives.
Website: http://www.nih.at/libzip/
Platforms supported: Win32, Linux, DOS
Headers to include: zip.bi
Header version: 0.11.2
Examples: in examples/compression/
'' .zip unpacking using libzip
#include once "zip.bi"
Sub create_parent_dirs(ByVal file As ZString Ptr)
'' Given a path like this:
'' foo/bar/baz/file.ext
'' Do these mkdir()'s:
'' foo
'' foo/bar
'' foo/bar/baz
Dim As UByte Ptr p = file
Select Case (*p)
Case Asc("/")
*p = 0
*p = Asc("/")
Case 0
Exit Do
End Select
p += 1
End Sub
'' Asks libzip for information on file number 'i' in the .zip file,
'' and then extracts it, while creating directories as needed.
Private Sub unpack_zip_file(ByVal zip As zip Ptr, ByVal i As Integer)
#define BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 512)
Static As UByte chunk(0 To (BUFFER_SIZE - 1))
#define buffer (@chunk(0))
'' Retrieve the filename.
Dim As String filename = *zip_get_name(zip, i, 0)
Print "file: " & filename & ", ";
'' Retrieve the file size via a zip_stat().
Dim As zip_stat stat
If (zip_stat_index(zip, i, 0, @stat)) Then
Print "zip_stat() failed"
End If
If ((stat.valid And ZIP_STAT_SIZE) = 0) Then
Print "could not retrieve file size from zip_stat()"
End If
Print stat.size & " bytes"
'' Create directories if needed
'' Write out the file
Dim As Integer fo = FreeFile()
If (Open(filename, For Binary, Access Write, As #fo)) Then
Print "could not open output file"
End If
'' Input for the file comes from libzip
Dim As zip_file Ptr fi = zip_fopen_index(zip, i, 0)
'' Write out the file content as returned by zip_fread(), which
'' also does the decoding and everything.
'' zip_fread() fills our buffer
Dim As Integer bytes = _
zip_fread(fi, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE)
If (bytes < 0) Then
Print "zip_fread() failed"
Exit Do
End If
'' EOF?
If (bytes = 0) Then
Exit Do
End If
'' Write <bytes> amount of bytes of the file
If (Put(#fo, , *buffer, bytes)) Then
Print "file output failed"
Exit Do
End If
'' Done
Close #fo
End Sub
Sub unpack_zip(ByRef archive As String)
Dim As zip Ptr zip = zip_open(archive, ZIP_CHECKCONS, NULL)
If (zip = NULL) Then
Print "could not open input file " & archive
End If
'' For each file in the .zip... (really nice API, thanks libzip)
For i As Integer = 0 To (zip_get_num_entries(zip, 0) - 1)
unpack_zip_file(zip, i)
End Sub