phrannie = phred + anniephred = phred Tinseth, SKP #394. Recreational Vehicles are the main topic of my side of the site. Most standard RV equipment is unacceptable trash, there's a better way. My magazine articles and Poop Sheets came about from making every mistake an RVer can possibly make during 20 years of Full Timing. I see no point in you doing the same thing (but bet you will anyway.) Retired Army "Lite" Colonel and U of FL grad, I once lived on boat and taught high-school math (briefly and miserably). annie = Anne Harris, SKP #1052. As a grade school teacher, I loved to draw phonics cartoons for reading skill seatwork (Sammy Snake, Ragged Rabbit). Then I retired, became a fulltime RVer with phred and switched to drawing Little SKPs for Escapees Newsletter for 10 years. Sharing a house now, phred does all the cooking and I play (tenor recorder, handbells) and make web pages. SKP = Escapees member. The Escapees RV Club is the leading (not biggest) RV club in the world. The club's focus is on being a full support network for RVers, not just a social group. You'll find every possible type of RV and owner personality in Escapees -- millionaires, people on Social Security, oldsters and youngsters, workers and retired, full-timers, part-timers and wannabes. Among the club's many features is an effort to be innovative, not just provide you with manufacturer hype-like "attractive decorator fabrics" and similar silliness (says phred).
Light-hearted look by phrannie at the back yard of an old friend |