Bob (Ram) Muessig
True story: a five-year old
girl suffering a severe asthma attack was transported by ambulance to a
hospital, her frantic mother riding with her while EMTs tried desperately to
keep her alive. Well, they
couldn’t. She was pronounced dead
at the hospital. The ambulance
couldn’t get her there in time. Why
not? Traffic…heavy traffic…and
inattentive drivers. People just
didn’t get out of the way.
We’ve been so de-sensitized to the noises around us when we’re
driving that we don’t see flashing lights or hear sirens on emergency
vehicles. All too frequently, our
focus is inside our vehicle, not outside.
Those lights and sirens have to compete with kids in the back seat,
radios blaring, conversations with passengers, and conversations on cell phones.
Then there are those who read magazines and newspapers – would you
believe books? while driving. They’re not paying attention to anything…period.
(Those are the ones who you wish would get a ticket longer than a
witches’ dream and have to spend every night in traffic school from now until
the next ice age.)
So: time to review the
basics. First, second, and third: PAY
ATTENTION! Knowing what’s going on around you is important.
It’s what comes out of left field that can hurt you…or somebody else.
Truckers know this. They
check the rear-view mirrors and spot mirrors constantly, plus gauges. Pilots know this. They
not only check ahead & behind and left & right, but also above &
below; plus instruments. You
should be doing all those things, too. (Fortunately,
you’ve only got ‘ahead & behind and left & right’ to be concerned
about, so your job should be a little easier!)
Professional drivers – ground and air – know the condition of their
vehicle and what is happening around them – in all directions – all the
time. What can you do about the
What do you do when you see flashing lights and/or hear a siren? Back to driving 101. Give
a turn signal and pull safely over to the right as soon as you possibly can.
STOP. Get out of the way.
Look and listen…all the time.
Ambulances may be on their
way to pick someone up or heading to a hospital with a life already on board.
In a heart attack, time is muscle. In
trauma, there is a “golden hour” in which a life may be saved.
Fire and police vehicles running with lights and siren have more urgent
business than you do. Law
enforcement officers, EMTs, and fire truck drivers take their lives in their
hands every time they’re on the street or highway.
Drivers cut in front of them, slow them down, change lanes suddenly, and
generally make their lives miserable. Do
them the courtesy of allowing them to do their jobs.
Assist them by staying out of their way. Driving is a full-time job.
It takes concentration. They
pay people to do it. Like marriage,
it should not be entered into lightly. The
responsibilities you assume when you get behind the wheel are literally those of
life and death. The welfare of
every living thing around you rests in your eyes and ears and hands.
Need another reason to stay alert? It
could be your home that’s on fire; or your husband in that
wreck. It could be you –
or your wife, or your grandson, or your daughter, or your
mom – in that ambulance. Think
about it. |