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1. Fayette The Prophet Joseph Smith left Fayette for Kirtland, Ohio, in January 1831. The three New York branches followed in April and May 1831 under the Lord�s command to gather (see D&C 37, 38).

2. Kirtland The headquarters of the Church from 1 February 1831 to 12 January 1838, when the Prophet moved to Far West, Missouri.

3. Independence The Lord identified Independence as the center place of Zion in July 1831 (see D&C 57:3). Mobs forced the Saints out of Jackson County in November 1833.

4. Liberty The Saints from Jackson County gathered in Clay County from 1833 to 1836, when they were again required to leave. The Prophet Joseph Smith and others were imprisoned here.

5. Far West A refuge was established here for the Saints 1836-38. It was the headquarters of the Church in 1838. In 1838-39 the Saints were forced to flee to Illinois.

6. Nauvoo The headquarters of the Church 1839-46. After the martyrdom of the Prophet and his brother Hyrum, the Saints moved west.

7. Council Bluffs The pioneers arrived here June 1846. Members of the Mormon Battalion departed on 21 July 1846 under Lt. Col. James Allen.

8. Winter Quarters Headquarters of the Church 1846-48. The vanguard company under the direction of President Brigham Young departed for the West April 1847.

9. Fort Leavenworth The Mormon Battalion was outfitted here before starting the march west in August 1846.

10. Santa Fe Lt. Col. Philip Cooke commanded the Mormon Battalion as it marched from here 19 October 1846.

11. Pueblo Three sick detachments were ordered to Pueblo to recuperate, where they spent the winter of 1846-47 with Saints from Mississippi. These parties entered the Salt Lake Valley in July 1847.

12. San Diego The Mormon Battalion completed its 2,000-mile march here on 29 January 1847.

13. Los Angeles The Mormon Battalion was discharged here 16 July 1847.

14. Sacramento Some discharged battalion members worked here and at Sutter�s Mill farther east on the American River, where they helped discover gold.

15. Salt Lake City Brigham Young arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on 24 July 1847.