g (Grep  ):grep search in the files or directorys.
                Enter option to grep on rename field such as search string.
                If wildcard char("*" and "?") is contained in grep string,
                enclose it by quotation.
                For directory line,last option parameter contains wildcard char
                not enclosed by quotation is treated as wildcard for the directory member.
                    _0106||||. ddddddddddd A---                 06-04-19 11:46       33,637
                    g0107||||+ Debug       ----  -n "DATE.*2007" *.c
                    g0108||||. def         ----  -n "DATE.*2007"
                    _0109||||. depgen      ----                 05-10-26 09:04           98
                    _0110||||. depgen.aix  A---                 05-04-28 16:30          120