(5). Setup for X.

   - On dtterm,many extended key combination with modifier key dose not
     generate string,so X key translation setup is required for xe.
     Aixterm generate same Esc string for few ext key with shift as
     without shift key. To detect shift key combination also X
     setup is required.
   - Set Environment variable.
      For ex., export XENVIRONMENT=$HOME/.Xdefault.xe
      Or use shell atm(for aixterm) and dtm(for dtterm) in (8).

      .Xdefaults.xe is as following.

        aixterm_xe.Translations: #override \
         Shift<Key>BackSpace:    string("\033~0e081")\n\
         Shift<Key>Return:       string("\033~1c0d1")\n\
         Shift<Key>KP_Enter:     string("\033~1c0d1")\n\
         Shift<Key>Insert:       string("\033~52001")\n\
         Shift<Key>Delete:       string("\033~53001")

     (Old version format \033~~xxyyz  is also avail)
     aixterm_xe of 1st line is corresponding to -name parameter of
     aixterm cmd(aixterm -name aixterm_xe).
     In the case -name parameter is not used,alter 1st line as following.
        aixterm.Translations: #override \
     2nd and following lines are for the keys with shift key which
     genarate same Esc sequence string as without shift key.
     Meaning of the string is scan+char+shiftID and same as for through
     the TeraTerm.
     See keysymdef.h in AIX for the key symbols.