= {XMOve/MOVe} source target [/s] [/t] [/y[-]] [/r[-]] [/b]

       /s   copy sub directory.(This is effective only when wild card
            source.If not,directory containing sub-directry is fully
            target is destination directory name.
            if you want rename simultaniously,specify also new-name.
       /y   replace if same name file already exist.
            stop copy with no /y if same name file already exist.
       /y-  skip copy when same name file exist and continue process.
       /r   same as /y
       /r-  same as /y-
       /b   TSO file tarnsfer without conversion.

#if defined(W32)||defined(UNX)
       /t   Text mode. for remote<-->local copy only.
            LF(0x0a)<-->CRLF(0x0d0a)conversion may occur.

#ifdef UNX
     (note)-additional to OS/2 MOVE cmd is support for inter-drive
            movement(XCOPY and DEL).
           -additional to DOS MOVE cmd is support for inter-directory
            file and directory movement(XCOPY and DEL).
           -MOVe command on the screen BROWSE/EDIT is of Edit Command.