  (A) Command table  *
 Use primaly function key if assigned to the function.
 In command key,shortcut key and EXE cmd file where function key is not
 be used,use command.
 |  Function              |    command                               |
 |  File browse           | BROwse, BB,BN,BC,BL,BCN,BI,BK,BKN,BJ,BH, |
 |                        |         BT                               |
 |  File edit             | EDIt  , EB,EN,EC,EL,ECN,EI,EK,EKN,EJ,EH, |
 |                        |         ET                               |
 |  Path Up/Down          | DPU,DPD                                  |
 |  Termination           | END, RETurn, QUIt, EXIt, CANcel          |
 |  Save file             | SAVe                                     |
 |  File select           | SELect, SB,SN,SC,SL,SCN,SI,SK,SKN,SJ,SH, |
 |                        |         ST                               |
 |  File write from screen| CREate, REPlace, APPend                  |
 |  File copy into screen | COPy                                     |
 |  File move into screen | MOVe                                     |
 |  Page scroll           | UP, DOWn, LEFt, RIGht                    |
 |  Jump to Top/Bottom    | TOP, BOTtom                              |
 |  Search string         | FINd, IFInd, EXClude, IX, FNX, INX       |
 |  Search then replace   | CHAnge                                   |
 |  CapsLock              | CAP                                      |
 |  Sort                  | SORt                                     |
 |  Split line            | SPLit                                    |
 |  Text Flow             | TFLow                                    |
 |  Locate to the line    | LOCate                                   |
 |  Cursor move           | POSition                                 |
 |  Character input       | KEY                                      |
 |  Delete set of lines   | DROp                                     |
 |  Exchange excluded     | XX                                       |
 |  Undo update           | UNDo                                     |
 |  Reset                 | RESet                                    |
 |  Split screen          | HSPlit, VSPlit                           |
 |  Swap active screen    | SWAp                                     |
 |  Rotate screen         | NEXt, PREvious                           |
 |  Call Menu panel       | =                                        |
 |  Set scroll size       | SCRoll                                   |
 |  Line-no display       | NUM                                      |
 |  Line-no re-numbering  | REN                                      |
 |  Tab display           | TAB                                      |
 |  Insert Toggle         | INS                                      |
 |  CurSor Down           | CSD                                      |
 |  HEX input mode        | XIN                                      |
 |  Vertical HEX display  | HEX                                      |
 |  Column gauge          | COL                                      |
 |  Change ID tag         | CID                                      |
 |  Basic Calc            | XBC                                      |
 |  Table Calc            | TC                                       |
 |  INI file output       | INI                                      |
 |  Optopn set            | OPT                                      |
 |  Version               | VER                                      |
 |  Submit script file    | SUB                                      |
 |  execute cmd file      | EXE                                      |
 |  OpenByAssociated      | ASS                                      |
 |  Command by Timer      | AT                                       |
 |  Sleep                 | SLE                                      |
 |  DOS command prefix    | DOS, >                                   |

  (B) Note           *
   - Input commnad in the the field of 2nd line at each panel.
     Case Insensitive except for string included quotation (") or (').
   - You can input multiple command at once seperated by ";".
       ex.  end;e file2.c;vsp;e file1.c
   - First word is command verb,Only first 3 char is meaningfull.
     Abridgement is a char followed by delimiter.
     ("="(Call Menu Panel) and ">"(DOS command) is exceptions,
     it may not be followed  by delimiter.You can specify like as =x
     or >d:).
     Some function can be executed also by function key.
   -  About word (operand analysis).
     Space( ) or Comma(,) is used as delimiter.To treate space or comma
     as data,Include it in a quatation (") or (').
     Delimiter is required to Enclose by quataion.
     To set quatation in data,use another type quation,or double same
            ex.        abc def            --->  (abc) and (def)
                       abc,def            --->  (abc) and (def)
                       "abc def"          --->  (abc def)
                       "abc"" f", ''''    --->  (abc" f) and (')
                       'abc"",f' ,"''"    --->  (abc"",f) and ('')
                       "abc def""g x      --->  ("abc def""g) and (x)
                       ab'c def"          --->  (ab'c) and (def")
                       "" '',,a           --->  () and () and () and (a)
     (Enclose whole name if file/directory name caontain space.
      Not "dir\"a b",but "dir\a b".)
   - Specification.
            Only Caps letter of the keyword is effective where Caps used.
            [...]       abridgible.
            {...|...}   select one of them.
            (....)      not keyword but description

   - CANCEL/UNDO/SAVE may optionaly request confirmation,Press Enter
     to execute or press Esc to reset.

   - Changed status by following command is saved on option save file
     in work directory.It is effective on the next editor session.
       .NUM    Line number display width for each screen.
       .TAB    tab display mode/tab skip count
       .CID    default CID add mode
       .OPT    undelete mode
       .SCRoll scroll volume for each screen.
       .FINd/  Find/Replace string,search direction/range.

   - *\, **\, ^*\ and *\  are usefull as pathname of filename.
      *\  : id of directory of file displayed on edit/browse screen,
            or the directory displayed on directory list screen.
      **\ : id of parent directory of *\,also avail **\**\ etc.
      ^*\ : dir opened on the other screen of split,
            or pathname if file is opened on the other side.
      *:  : for remotefile,same hostid as displayed.