0 0 0 * Personal REXX 3.0 Reference Summary 109 156 1 INTRODUCTION - Personal REXX Verion 3.0 Help File - McDonald 940124 175 710 1 LANGUAGE SUMMARY 729 2569 1 BASIC CONCEPTS 2582 2582 1 KEYWORDS 2623 2712 2 ADDRESS [environment [expression]]; 2746 2860 2 ADDRESS [VALUE] expression; 2882 2974 2 ARG [template]; 3022 3172 2 CALL name [expression][,[expression]]...; 3215 3532 2 CALL {ON|OFF} condition [NAME label] 3587 4020 2 DO [repetitor] [conditional]; [instruction-list] 4047 4192 2 DROP name [name]...; 4217 4281 2 EXIT [expression]; 4324 4506 2 IF expression[;] THEN[;] instruction 4534 4603 2 INTERPRET expression; 4625 4729 2 ITERATE [name]; 4749 4785 2 LEAVE [name]; 4796 4839 2 NOP; 4874 4954 2 NUMERIC DIGITS [expression]; 4999 5052 2 NUMERIC FORM [SCIENTIFIC|ENGINEERING]; 5091 5144 2 NUMERIC FORM [VALUE] expression; 5177 5271 2 NUMERIC FUZZ [expression]; 5303 5424 2 OPTIONS {NEWCOM|NONEWCOM} 5460 5571 2 PARSE [UPPER] ARG [template]; 5610 5762 2 PARSE [UPPER] LINEIN [template]; 5802 5925 2 PARSE [UPPER] NUMERIC [template]; 5962 6092 2 PARSE [UPPER] PULL [template]; 6131 6257 2 PARSE [UPPER] SOURCE [template]; 6313 6432 2 PARSE [UPPER] VALUE [expression] WITH [template]; 6473 6586 2 PARSE [UPPER] VAR name [template]; 6626 6802 2 PARSE [UPPER] VERSION [template]; 6843 7077 2 PROCEDURE [EXPOSE name [name]...]; 7102 7217 2 PULL [template]; 7242 7329 2 PUSH [expression]; 7355 7444 2 QUEUE [expression]; 7471 7593 2 RETURN [expression]; 7617 7681 2 SAY [expression]; 7695 8107 2 SELECT; 8126 8185 2 SIGNAL name; 8218 8320 2 SIGNAL [VALUE] expression; 8365 8684 2 SIGNAL {ON|OFF} condition [NAME label] 8727 9782 2 TRACE [[!|?|$] {A|C|E|F|I|L|N|O|R}]; 9814 10927 2 TRACE [VALUE] expression; 10950 10950 1 BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS 10989 11138 2 ABBREV (information,info[,length]) 11156 11202 2 ABS (number) 11218 11310 2 ADDRESS () 11334 11568 2 ARG ([n[,option]]) 11608 11688 2 BITAND (string1[,[string2][,pad]]) 11727 11806 2 BITOR (string1[,[string2][,pad]]) 11846 11941 2 BITXOR (string1[,[string2][,pad]]) 11966 12062 2 B2X (binary-string) 12096 12233 2 CENTER (string,length[,pad]) 12267 12404 2 CENTRE (string,length[,pad]) 12444 12546 2 CHARIN ([name][,[start][,length]]) 12587 12775 2 CHAROUT ([name][,[string][,start]]) 12795 12902 2 CHARS ([name]) 12939 13156 2 COMPARE (string1,string2[,pad]) 13182 13335 2 CONDITION ([option]) 13358 13407 2 COPIES (string,n) 13429 13533 2 C2D (string[,n]) 13551 13656 2 C2X (string) 13686 14032 2 DATATYPE (string[,type]) 14053 14560 2 DATE ([option]) 14592 14768 2 DELSTR (string,n[,length]) 14801 14992 2 DELWORD (string,n[,length]) 15007 15062 2 DIGITS () 15090 15249 2 D2C (whole-number[,n]) 15277 15466 2 D2X (whole-number[,n]) 15485 15551 2 ERRORTEXT (n) 15564 15617 2 FORM () 15675 15930 2 FORMAT (number[,[before][,[after][,[expp][,expt]]]]) 15943 15996 2 FUZZ () 16044 16136 2 INSERT (new,target[,[n][,[length][,pad]]]) 16175 16348 2 LASTPOS (needle,haystack[,start]) 16380 16542 2 LEFT (string,length[,pad]) 16563 16601 2 LENGTH (string) 16622 16688 2 LINEIN ([name]) 16728 17022 2 LINEOUT ([name][,[string][,line]]) 17042 17144 2 LINES ([name]) 17174 17236 2 MAX (number[,number]...) 17266 17329 2 MIN (number[,number]...) 17378 17490 2 OVERLAY (new,target[,[n][,[length][,pad]]]) 17525 17640 2 POS (needle,haystack[,start]) 17655 17723 2 QUEUED () 17758 17871 2 RANDOM ([min][,[max][,seed]]) 17893 17938 2 REVERSE (string) 17971 18133 2 RIGHT (string,length[,pad]) 18152 18201 2 SIGN (number) 18223 18330 2 SOURCELINE ([n]) 18362 18462 2 SPACE (string[,[n][,pad]]) 18509 19059 2 STREAM (name[,operation[,streamcommand]]) 19097 19284 2 STRIP (string[,[option][,char]]) 19324 19466 2 SUBSTR (string,n[,[length][,pad]]) 19499 19621 2 SUBWORD (string,n[,length]) 19640 19768 2 SYMBOL (name) 19789 20282 2 TIME ([option]) 20304 20629 2 TRACE ([option]) 20681 20942 2 TRANSLATE (string[,[tableo][,[tablei][,pad]]]) 20966 21036 2 TRUNC (number[,n]) 21072 21244 2 VALUE (name[,newvalue[,type]]) 21294 21402 2 VERIFY (string,reference[,[option][,start]]) 21423 21479 2 WORD (string,n) 21505 21584 2 WORDINDEX (string,n) 21611 21681 2 WORDLENGTH (string,n) 21710 21781 2 WORDPOS (phrase,string) 21801 21864 2 WORDS (string) 21892 21994 2 XRANGE ([start][,end]) 22016 22122 2 X2B (hix-string) 22144 22257 2 X2C (hex-string) 22283 22392 2 X2D (hex-string[,n]) 22414 22414 1 Utility Functions 22430 22577 2 Introduction 22611 22750 2 PCDISK (subfunction[,drive]) 22768 23017 2 PCDISPLAY () 23033 23190 2 PCEQUIP () 23207 23310 2 PCFLOPPY () 23325 23429 2 PCGAME () 23448 23644 2 PCKEYBOARD () 23663 23758 2 PCPARALLEL () 23772 23866 2 PCRAM () 23884 23942 2 PCROMDATE () 23959 24003 2 PCSERIAL () 24018 24074 2 PCTYPE () 24090 24177 2 PCVIDEO () 24198 24314 2 DOSCD ([drive]) 24339 24592 2 DOSCHDIR (pathname) 24634 25002 2 DOSCHMOD (fileid,[turnon],[turnoff]) 25025 25419 2 DOSCREAT (fileid) 25440 25689 2 DOSDEL (fileid) 25748 25798 2 DOSDIR ([fileid],[output],[search],[mask],[position]) 25816 26059 2 DOSDIRPOS () 26089 26149 2 DOSDISK (option,[drive]) 26176 26475 2 DOSDRIVE ([newdrive]) 26496 26609 2 DOSENV (string) 26628 26836 2 DOSENVSIZE () 26879 27038 2 DOSFDATE (fileid,[newdate],[newtime]) 27061 27295 2 DOSFNAME (fileid) 27318 27442 2 DOSISDEV (fileid) 27465 27627 2 DOSISDIR (fileid) 27642 27711 2 DOSMEM () 27736 27952 2 DOSMKDIR (pathname) 27987 28316 2 DOSPATHFIND (fileid,[envvar]) 28349 28668 2 DOSRENAME (fileid1,fileid2) 28693 28898 2 DOSRMDIR (pathname) 28917 28984 2 DOSVERSION () 29009 29166 2 DOSVOLUME ([drive]) 29183 29281 2 CHARSIZE () 29307 29471 2 CURSOR ([row],[col]) 29503 29601 2 CURSORTYPE ([start],[end]) 29623 29727 2 DELAY (duration) 29772 30124 2 INKEY ([wait_option],[keyboard_option]) 30140 30233 2 INP (port) 30256 30427 2 OUTP (port,value) 30454 30601 2 PEEK (segment,offset) 30634 30821 2 POKE (segment,offset,value) 30843 31146 2 SCRBLINK (state) 31203 31268 2 SCRCLEAR ([attr],[char],[row],[col],[hght],[width]) 31294 31445 2 SCRMETHOD ([method]) 31483 31894 2 SCRPUT (row,col,string,[option]) 31933 32059 2 SCRREAD (row,col,length,[option]) 32075 32154 2 SCRSIZE () 32213 33120 2 SCRWRITE ([row],[col],[string],[length],[pad],[attr]) 33150 33324 2 SHIFTSTATE (key,[state]) 33355 33592 2 SOUND ([freq],[duration]) 33630 33699 2 DATECONV (date,input,[output]) 33714 33819 2 EMSMEM () 33836 34005 2 ENDLOCAL () 34032 34093 2 FCNPKG (package-name) 34113 34154 2 LOWER (string) 34176 34234 2 PARSEFN (fileid) 34285 34471 2 PRXSWAP ([type], [location], [fail-on-error]) 34490 34574 2 PRXVERSION () 34591 34731 2 SETLOCAL () 34751 34818 2 STACKSTATUS () 34838 34879 2 UPPER (string) 34914 35151 2 VALIDNAME (fileid,[wildcard]) 35194 35279 2 W_ATTR (window,row,col,length,attr) 35339 35381 2 W_BORDER (window,[top],[right],[bottom],[left],[attr]) 35441 35508 2 W_CLEAR (window,[attr],[char],[row],[col],[ht],[wdth]) 35530 35610 2 W_CLOSE (window) 35671 35761 2 W_FIELD (window,field_name,row,col,length,[attr],[pad]) 35829 35897 2 W_GET (window,row,col,length,[string],[attr],[pad],[activate]) 35927 36010 2 W_HIDE (window,[option]) 36068 36154 2 W_KEYS (window,[tab_opt],[enter_opt],[keyboard_opt]) 36183 36241 2 W_MOVE (window,row,col) 36283 36342 2 W_OPEN (row,col,height,width,[attr]) 36401 36508 2 W_PUT (window,row,col,[string],[length],[attr],[pad]) 36553 36619 2 W_READ (window,[field_name],[activate]) 36666 36733 2 W_SCRPUT (window,row,col,string,[option]) 36781 36851 2 W_SCRREAD (window,row,col,length,[option]) 36912 36961 2 W_SCRWRITE (window,row,col,[string],[len],[pad],[attr]) 36982 37044 2 W_SIZE (window) 37079 37125 2 W_UNFIELD (window,field_name) 37148 37206 2 W_UNHIDE (window) 37259 37259 1 Personal REXX Commands and Environment Variables 37287 37548 2 REXX Interrupt Manager 37578 38082 2 Personal REXX Processor 38122 38616 2 Options for REXX and RX commands: 38636 40374 2 Stack Manager 40433 40877 2 EXECIO {lines|*} DISKR fileid [linenum] [([options]] 40896 41606 2 GLOBALV INIT 41631 41938 2 GLVMGR [/Sn] [/NX] 41978 42462 2 LISTFILE [fileid ...] [( options] 42487 42814 2 REXX Batch Manager 42846 43532 2 RXWINDOW Function Package 43555 44045 2 RXUNLOAD Utility 44066 44316 2 RXINFO Utility 44344 45926 2 Environment Variables 1 45926 1 VIEW ENTIRE DOCUMENT