
(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5)

cal_from_jd -- Converts from Julian Day Count to a supported calendar


array cal_from_jd ( int jd, int calendar)

cal_from_jd() converts the Julian day given in jd into a date of the specified calendar. Supported calendar values are CAL_GREGORIAN, CAL_JULIAN, CAL_JEWISH and CAL_FRENCH.

Example 1. cal_from_jd() example

= unixtojd(mktime(0, 0, 0, 8, 16, 2003));
print_r(cal_from_jd($today, CAL_GREGORIAN));

This will output :

    [date] => 8/16/2003
    [month] => 8
    [day] => 16
    [year] => 2003
    [dow] => 6
    [abbrevdayname] => Sat
    [dayname] => Saturday
    [abbrevmonth] => Aug
    [monthname] => August

See also cal_to_jd().