Redirection and Pipes


A number of Dos commands send output to the screen and/or require input from the user. Redirection is a mechanism whereby the output of a command can be fed either to some other device (eg a printer or file) or to another program or command.

There are four redirection functions:
>Redirect output
<Redirect input


Redirects a command's output from the "standard output device" (usually the monitor) to another device (eg printer) or a file.


To redirect output to a device:
Command > Device

To redirect output to a file:
Command > Filename


  1. Acceptable Device names are: CON (Monitor); PRN (LPT1 - assumed to be the printer); LPT1 - 3 (Parallel Ports - usually connected to a printer); COM 1 - 4 (Serial Ports); and NUL (an electronic void). If anything other than a recognized device is specified, it is assumed to be the name of a file.
  2. If a file already exists with the specified Filename, it is overwritten without any warnings.


Probably the most common uses of this redirection function is to send directory listings to the printer or to save them as a file. (One of Windows Explorer's biggest weaknesses is that it does not enable either of these operations).

  1. To print out a sorted directory listing of all files in the Windows directory:
    DIR c:\windows /o/a > PRN
  2. To create a file containing the directory listing of the same directory:
    DIR c:\windows /o/a > c:\data\directories\windows.txt


Appends the output from a command to the specified file.


Command >> Filename


If Filename does not exist, it is created. If Filename does exist, the output from the command is added to it (unlike the > function where the original contents are overwritten).


To add the directory listing of the files in the c:\windows\system directory to that created above:
DIR c:\windows\system /o/a >> c:\data\directories\windows.txt


Directs input to a command from a source other than the default (the default source usually being the keyboard).


Command < Datasource


To sort the lines in a text file (c:\data\address list.txt) on the 12th character, the SORT command is fed input from the file:
SORT /+12 < c:\data\address list.txt


The "pipe" redirects the output of a program or command to a second program or command.


Command1 | Command2


To sort a directory listing based on the time the files were last modified, the output of a directory listing is piped to the SORT filter which sorts on the 39th character of each line:
DIR c:\data\docs | SORT /+39

Note that if the output of the DIR command had been redirected to SORT /+39 using >, Dos would return an "invalid switch" error after attempting to create a file called Sort.

This page last revised:
December 9, 1999.