Creates a directory. MD and MkDir are synonymous.
MD [path] directoryname
- In Win9x, directoryname can be up to 256 characters long and include all characters in the ANSII set (above 0031) that are not reserved (eg. < > | * ?).
However, there is a case for creating directories with names following the old Dos rules (ie. in 8.3 format and all upper case) whenever
possible/reasonable. Such names do not require longfilename aliases thus saving 32 bytes in the folder index which is searched for every file open call. Once such
a directory has been created, it can be referred to using either uppercase or lowercase without any problem.
- Although directories can include an extension, this is seldom done and may even confuse some programs.
- There does not appear to be any limit to the number of subdirectories or to the total length of the path.
- MD will only allow the creation of one subdirectory at a time. To create a directory tree, either use MD repeatedly, or use XCOPY (see "Tricks").
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