Edit Shortcuts

Edit shorcuts
See also Windows keyb shortcuts

Cursor Movement Commands

Home       - Move to the start of the current line.
End        - Move to the end of the current line.
Ctrl+Up    - Scroll up one line.
Ctrl+Down  - Scroll down one line.
PageUp     - Scroll up one screen.
PageDown   - Scroll down one screen.
Ctrl+PgUp  - Scroll left one screen.
Ctrl+PgDn  - Scroll right one screen.
Ctrl+Home  - Scroll to the start of the document.
Ctrl+End   - Scroll to the end of the document.
Ctrl+Left  - Move left one word.
Ctrl+Right - Move right one word.

Editing Commands

Enter      - Start a new line.
Delete     - Delete the character that the cursor is on.
Backspace  - Delete the character to the left of the cursor.
Tab        - Move the cursor to next tab stop.
Insert     - Switch between insert and overwrite modes.
Ctrl+Y     - Delete the current line.
Ctrl+V     - Paste buffer contents into file.
Ctrl+P     - Allows special characters to be inserted.

Commands for Working with Selected Regions

Shift      - Use the shift key in conjunction with the cursor
             movement functions to select regions.
Ctrl+C     - Copy the current selection to buffer.
Ctrl+X     - Delete the current selection and copy it to buffer.
Delete     - Delete the current selection.
Tab        - Indent the selected lines.
Shift+Tab  - Unindent the selected lines.

Commands for Finding and Replacing Text

Ctrl+Q+F   - Find text.
Ctrl+Q+A   - Find text and replace it.
F3         - Repeat the last search.

Window Management Commands

F6         - Switch to next edit window.
F8         - Switch to next file you are working on.
Ctrl+F6    - Open second edit window.
Ctrl+F4    - Close second edit window.
Ctrl+F8    - Resize edit windows.


F1         - Display context-sensitive help.

Other Commands

Many of the older shortcut keys from previous versions of
MS-DOS EDIT are also supported.

This page last revised:
January 1, 2003