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Batch & Utility Lesson 1 |
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Last Updated April. |
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@Echo off :: :: Batchman CLS %Number% :: Batchman CLS 31 Echo Clear screen - This is white text and blue background. Batchman cEcho 47, Hello World Pause :: Batchman cEcho C :: Batchman CLS 26 Echo Green text in 1th and Pause > NUL Batchman cEcho C 63,---Text in Batchman cEcho 63, line number two--- Batchman cEcho C 63,---Text in the third line.--- Pause > NUL :: Batchman WINDOW %Define% :: Batchman window 002,004,00023,000002,00095 :: REMember row,col,width,height,color,-= For %%v in (Echo."Green text in 3th line" "Pause>NUL" "CLS>>CON") do %%v See more stuff about colors ---Menu---
Batchman CLS 15 For %%v in ("200,002" "400,002" "300,007" "500,006") do Batchman beep %%v For %%v in (200,2 400,2 300,7 500,6 200 400 300 500) do Batchman beep %%v :: Redirect CON to a file. (try it at the DOS prompt:) :: Copy CON Some.tmp REM Type F6 (or Ctrl+z), then Enter Edit Some.tmp :: What C :: What C " Type: " If %What%!==~! Echo [Enter] If %What%!==! Echo [Space] - [,] - [Tab] If %What%!==! Echo [Esc] If %What%!==A! Echo [A] - [a] :: What S :: What S " Type and Enter: " If %What%!==! Echo [Enter] If %What%!==A! Echo [A] If %What%!==a! Echo [a] Set what= :: Strings x=ASK [Prompt][,Max chars][,1=No echo] :: Strings in=ASK Type and Enter: Echo [%in%] If %in%!==! Echo [Space] - [,] - [Tab] - [Enter] :: Strings x=GETKEY :: Strings x=GETKEY Echo [ASCII value and Scan code] = [%x%] :: :: [M]= [77 50], [m]= [109 50], [A]= [65 30]. Set x= :: Batchman GETKEY :: echo Type: Batchman getkey if errorlevel 50 if not errorlevel 51 echo [M] or [m] if errorlevel 28 if not errorlevel 29 echo [ENTER] if errorlevel 57 if not errorlevel 58 echo [SPACE] if errorlevel 01 if not errorlevel 02 echo [ESC] if errorlevel 14 if not errorlevel 15 echo [BACKSPACE] :: Batchman GETKEY %numbers% :: Echo Type: [F1], [F3], [F11] or [F12]: Batchman getkey 1 3 11 12 :: Batchman GETKEY '%permitted%' :: Batchman CLS 126 Echo.# [Ctrl+Break] do [ESCape] - [Alt+F4]. Echo. Echo. Type: [A], [a] or [Esc] Batchman getkey 'a' If NOT errorlevel 2 Echo [A] or [a] If errorlevel 2 Echo [Esc] or [Ctrl+C] :: Choice /C: [Without extra info, Switch /N] [Time-Count-Down, Switch /T:] :: Batchman CLS 127 Echo.# [Ctrl+Break] or [Ctrl+C] do [ESCape] ^C. : TEST # Echo. Set EL= Rem ASCII 27 - ASCII 7 Choice /c-+q /n/t-,9 Hit: Minus[-], Plus[+] or [q] to Quit(Esc) :: If errorlevel 00003 Set EL=C: Q(Esc) [3 or greater: 3-255] If NOT errorlevel 3 Set EL=B: - or + [Less than 03: 2-000] If errorlevel 1 If NOT errorlevel 2 Set EL=A: Sure - [ Exact: 1 ] :: If NOT %EL%==C: Batchman cEcho 63, [-] or [+] ... ? [%%EL%%]=%EL% If %EL%==A: Batchman cEcho 000095, Not [+] but [-]. [%%EL%%]=%EL% If %EL%==C: Batchman cEcho 000079, The END is near! [%%EL%%]=%EL% :: :: FOR %%V IN (ECHO. "GOTO TEST") DO %%V :: FOR %%V IN (ECHO. GOTO:TEST ) DO %%V FOR %%V IN (ECHO GOTO) DO %%V TEST - I WILL GOTO! :: FOR %%V IN (ECHO GOTO) DO %%V. %1 :: FOR %%V IN (ECHO. %0% ) DO %%V An example for NT users (includes an Qbasic file). http://mspress.microsoft.com - CHOICE ERRORLEVEL note ---Menu---
@Echo off :: :: Strings %Variable%=READ %File%, %Line_number% :: :: Equal.bat - Compare two files. :: Drag and drop a file - Then another file. :: Alternative - You can write: equal file_name. :: C: Cd %temp%\ Echo %1 >> Equal Strings Equal=READ Equal,1 If %Equal%==%1 EXIT For %%v in (%Equal% %1) do Echo .....%%v FC.exe %Equal% %1| Find ":" > Equal Strings Equal=READ Equal,2 If not !%Equal%==!FC: Echo -NOT- Set Equal= For %%v in (Echo Pause Del CLS) do %%v Equal NOTE: The above file is updated, (see Equal.bat). ---Menu---
updated and removed to section 14
Strings x=LENGTH AbCdefGh Echo [%x%] = Distance: [8] Strings x=FIND AbCDefGh, dE Echo [%x%] = [4] Strings x=FINDC AbcdefGh, dE Echo [%x%] = [0] Cause: 'de' is not the same. Strings x=LEFT AbCdefGh,4 Echo [%x%] = [AbCd] Strings x=RIGHT AbCdefGh,4 Echo [%x%] = [efGh] Strings x=MID AbCDefGh,4,2 Echo [%x%] = [De] :: String, Token n, Token separator Strings x=PARSE 208'240'48,%n%,' if '=='%x% set x=176 Strings x=UPPER aBcdefGH Echo [%x%] = [ABCDEFGH] Strings x=LOWER AbCdefGh Echo [%x%] = [abcdefgh] :: A string of n characters c. Strings x=REPEAT n of chars, c :: See a program where I use the 'Strings REPEAT' command, click here. Set x=a Strings character=UPPER %x% Strings ascii_val=VAL %character% Echo (%ascii_val% )= ASCII( %character% ) (65)= ASCII(A) Strings character=CHAR %ascii_val% Echo ( %character% )= Character( %ascii_val% ) (A) = Character(65) For %%v in (x character ascii_val) do Set %%v= :: Created Feb 6, 2001: @echo off strings x = ask Input a character or an ASCII value: ,3 strings q = length %x% if not %q%==1 for %%S in (echo.GET:s s goto:end_s) do %%Strings/p:CHAR %x%: for %%S in (echo.GET_ASCII:[char[%x%]]:s s) do %%Strings/p:val %x%: :end_strings for %%v in (set:x set:q set:cmdline echo echo pause cls) do %%v= ---Menu---
:: Strings %Variable%=ADD|SUB|MUL n1, n2[,n3][,n4]... [,n10] :: Strings x=ADD 2,3 Echo [%x%] = [5] For %%v in ("rem Set X=290" "Set b=300" "Set a=10") do %%v Strings x=SUB %b%,%a% Echo -(-%%b%% +%%a%%) = +(-%a% +%b%) = %b% -%a%, So %X% = 290 For %%v in (a b) do Set %%v= Strings x=MUL 4,3 Echo [%x%] = [12] Strings x=DIV 9,4 Echo [%x%] = [2]
:: Syntax: Strings %Variable%=CONVERT n, New Base :: Examples: Strings x=CONVERT 255, 16 Echo [FF] = [%x%] Strings/b16 x=CONVERT FF, A Echo [255] = [%x%] Goto MORE_CONVERT & ALL-ROUND LOOP ::h2d.bat -- Hex to decimal -- BTW. about the w0; thanks to Tom L. @echo off echo.. | choice /n /c%1. > nul if errorlevel 6 goto end > %temp%.\~.scr if not errorlevel 2 goto end for %%v in (F0L%1''A rCX %1 w0 q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~.scr type %temp%.\~.scr | debug %temp%.\~.scr> nul find /v /c "" <%temp%.\~.scr :end del %temp%.\~.scr ::dec2binParsed with commas
n parsed with commas every 3 digits. Syntax: Strings x=ADDCOMMAS n
: Loop3 Strings V=CONVERT %X%,%Base% Echo. [%V%]=C(%X%)>>file Strings X=ADD %Step%,%X% Strings v=DIV %Last%,%X% If not %v%==0 Goto Loop3 : End For %%v in (Base X Last Step v) do Set %%v= For %%v in (Echo. Echo. Pause Cls) do %%v If Exist file Type file|More | 16 17. Substitute to what ever 18. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. Output file to screen. |
: MORE_CONVERT & ALL-ROUND LOOP TEMPLETS ::-------------------------------------- For %%v in (Echo Break) do %%v off If Exist file Del file /P If Exist file Goto End If (%Base%)==() Set Base=16 If (%X%)==() Set X=0 If (%Last%)==() Set Last=255 If (%Step%)==() Set Step=100 :: ----------------------------------------- Set v=1 If not %X%!==0! Strings v=DIV %Last%, %X% If %v%==0 Goto End If !%Step%==!0 Strings Step=ADD %Last%,1 Goto Loop3| Echo. | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12. 13. Quit, if X > Last 14 15 |
Echo 123 > CON Echo 123 > PRN Echo 123 > LPT1 Echo 123 > NUL |
Console Printer Parallel port number 1 Nul Device |
:: Redirection to a file. :: The following example shows a lot about the behaviour of Windows98 :: It may look advanced. So please donīt blame me for using your time :: to show you the trouble. It's better to see it all now than later. :: :: Introduce Write.com :: C: Cd %TeMP%\ Echo.> "My Tempor.text" Echo.# ~~ Hi Mum! ~~ #>>"My Tempor.text" Echo #Send more money#>>"My Tempor.text" Write.com # Kind regards>> "My Tempor.text" Type "My Tempor.text" > 12345678901234567_____.TEMP Strings /p* write 123456~1.tem* , # Strings write 123456~1.tem,# ~~ * Me! ~~ # Type "123456~1.tem" > MyTemp~1.tex Start /w Notepad "My Tempor.text" Del "My Tempor.text" Del "12345678901234567_____.Temp" | |
@echo off %[updated Feb 25, 2001]% echo. %0? | find /i ".bat?">nul set @=%0 if errorlevel 1 set @=%0.bat find "%%@%% "<%@%>CRLF.BAT set @= for %%v in (goto:@ L102 W F100LFF''1A L W102 Q :@) do echo %%v>>CRLF.BAT goto p :: if not !==!%@% set @= find /v%@% "@"<%0 |debug %1>nul copy /a%@% %1 +nul %1>nul :p echo Line 1 > test.tmp call CRLF.BAT test.tmp echo Line 2 >>test.tmp for %%v in (del cls) do %%v CRLF.BAT |
:: The logical NOT of n. Strings x=NOT n :: The logical AND of the parameters. Strings x=AND n1,n2[,n3][,n4]... [,n10] :: The logical OR of the parameters. Strings x=OR n1, n2[,n3][,n4]... [,n10] :: The exclusive OR of two numbers. Strings x=XOR n1,n2 :: The registers from an interrupt. Dangerous! Strings x=INTERRUPT Int n,AX,BX,CX,DX,DI,SI,BP,DS,ES :: Returns status of programs hooked to the Multiplex Interrupt. Strings x=2FCHECK n or Alias A byte from an I/O port. Strings x=IN Port number :: Writes a byte to an I/O port. Strings x=OUT Port n, Output byte ---Menu---
:: Versions of SED do differ. :: Tips: Download and rename SED15.EXE to C:\Windows\Command\sed.exe :: :: If a line ends with a X, append the next line: SED -e :a "/X$/N;s/\n//; ta;" INFILE > OUTFILE
:: Returns long name (directory) and file name(s) :: Drag and drop, a file or directory to the icon :: :: Used: PFE32.EXE (editor) + SED. (text utility) :: If %1!==! For %%c in (pfe32 Exit) do %%c %0 For %%c in (LS : D) do C%%c %temp%\ Set v= :: If not exist %1/nul Set v=\. If exist %1\nul Set v=\. :: Dir %1 | Sed "/\\/!d;s/.:/\n&/"|Sed "/:/!d" >a Dir %1|Sed "/\\/!d;s/.*\(.:\)/\1/">a Attrib %1%v% | Sed "s/.\{27\}//" >>a Set v= For %%c in (Pfe32 Pause Del Cls EXIT) do %%c a ---Menu---
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