Section Trash from the garbage |  |
Additional information/references from the Support Section:
L. Lake. *.*.bak
Additional information/references from the News Section:
GO.BAT, Batch Search the WEB
LINK.BAT (trash from page 7)
Additional information/references from other section(s):
Browser.bat Make pictures from Batch (April 9, 2001)
Modified and renamed Browser.bat to PIC.BAT, April 28, 2002
Subtraction #.BAT (May 25, 2001)
Wild Strange and Unknown syntax.
Hi L, DOS can't figure out of that *.*.bak syntax.
Try the following LAKE.BAT to copy a file from anywhere to c:\backup\data\.
@echo off
if %1!==! goto End
if not exist c:\backup\nul md c:\backup
if not exist c:\backup\data\nul md c:\backup\data
if exist c:\~tmp\nul goto Error
if exist %1 xcopy %1 c:\~tmp\ > nul
if not exist c:\~tmp\nul for %%c in (echo.Error! goto:Break) do %%c
cd \~tmp
lfnfor on
for %%f in (*.*) do move "%%f" "c:\backup\data\%%f.bak"
lfnfor off
explorer c:\backup\data
deltree /y c:\~tmp >nul
goto End
echo. Error:
echo. "%0" tried to create a new folder
echo. "c:\~tmp" but this folder already exist!
Benny, (PS. 172 bytes in 6 lines:)
SET _=%1
IF NOT _%2==_ FOR %%_ IN (SET SHIFT GOTO) DO %%_ _=%_%+%2
START http://www.google.com/search?q=%_%&btnG=Google+Search&hl=en&lr=&safe
SET _=
Okay, you've done the compact version. (Does that blank label really
work? I didn't try it because I'm on an NT machine, so an experiemnt
wouldn't prove anything for DOS and 9x.)
Now let's try an understandable version, with a variable name that's both
readable and has some mnemonic signficance, and commands laid out one per
line instead of being packed into an obscure FOR statement which depends
on the parser not objecting to excess information. After all, the goal is
to share information and learn, right? Furthermore, the size of a batch
file is irrelevant unless it's greater than one cluster (allocation unit).
My candidate (any line not indented 2 spaces has wrapped):
@echo off
set TERMS=%1
if (%2) == () goto Ready
set TERMS=%TERMS%+%2
goto Loop
START http://www.google.com/search?q=%TERMS%&btnG=Google+Search&hl=en&lr=
set TERMS=
The above works in NT, and probably 2000, if you precede each ampersand
(&) with a circumflex (^). None of the versions posted check to see
whether a parameter is supplied, which is okay because running the batch
file with no parameter takes you to the Google search screen, a reasonable
thing to do in that situation.
Yes that's true and I agree with you! but it's not always that the goal is
to create easy batch files. Sometimes the goal is to write a program which
just works. Sometimes there's to much paranoia about compact, size or
method. Redirection and FOR loops is just available to use. Moreover,
people don't skip Microsoft WORD.EXE etc. just because it's code isn't
easy to understand. If I wrote a screen saver: CLS %End of Batch file%,
then it would be hard to understand for those who havn't seen that CLS
Benny Pedersen -- BTW. 36 lines in EXACT 1024 bytes:
PS: Does the following works on your OS?
(Just rewrite or tell me about sugestions :-)
@echo off
set TERMS=%1
if not %1!==! goto Terms
echo. Input terms. Numbers [0-9], Letters [A-Z] or [. : @ \]
echo. press + for the next term
echo. ++ to search the WEB
mem /c | find "DOSKEY"> nul
if errorlevel 1 doskey> nul
set C=+.+0123456789:+++++@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]
choice /c%C%> nul
if errorlevel 2 goto Collect
choice /c%C%> nul
if not errorlevel 2 goto Display
for %%C in (. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R
S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ]) do if errorlevel J%%C set TERMS=%TERMS%%%C
echo. %TERMS%
echo exit | %comspec%> nul
goto Input
set C=
echo. _________________________
echo. %TERMS%
echo Press Ctrl+C to quit or
goto Ready
if not %2!==! for %%C in (set shift goto) do %%C TERMS=%TERMS%+%2
START http://www.google.com/search?q=%TERMS%&btnG=Google+Search&hl=en&lr=&
set TERMS=
@%7%8 echo off
: To proceed a whole bunch of Shortcuts, Call LINK.BAT from another batch or
: from within the code of LINK.BAT but if that method is used, then you must
: remember to append goto: WSHShell to each end of all the following lines,
: & BTW.: If the first method is used, substitute the call %0 with call LINK
: & run both files in the TEMP folder; named something like c:\windows\temp.
call %0 %windir%\system sysdm.cpl ("DeskTop") "" sysdm.cpl 1
call %0 %windir% Control.exe ("DeskTop") "Start Ctrl" morICONS.dll 91
call %0 %windir% WelCome.exe ("Startup") "U WelCome" setdebug.exe 0
call %0 %windir%\command debug.exe ("SendTo") "Q to quit" pifmgr.dll 36
call %0 %windir% SndVol32.exe "C:\Games" "Sound Vol" wave1.vbx 0
call %0 "" Where's_Such.file "%temp%" Search'%%2' W98SetUp.bin 4
call %0 "" %0 "%temp%" LINK.BAT shell32.dll 19
call %0 %windir% WinFile.exe "%temp%" "Explorer 2" explorer.exe 5
call %0 C: Config.sys "%temp%" Config.sys pifmgr.dll 4
call %0 %windir% TaskMan.exe "%temp%" TaskManager pifmgr.dll 32
call %0 %windir%\system iNETcpl.cpl "%temp%" "Net Config" wupdmgr.exe 0
call %0 C: %comspec% "%temp%" MS-DOS drvspace.exe 7
call %0 %windir%\system sysedit.exe "%temp%" "Run sysEdit" sysedit.exe 0
call %0 %windir%\command scandisk.exe "%temp%" ScanDisk gcdef.dll 6
%0 %windir% defrag.exe "%temp%" "D E F R A G" gcdef.dll 8
: The last one above is without a Call. Goto:EOF could instead also be used.
: To change an icon of a created Shortcut, select the file, hit [Alt+Enter].
if %2... snipped.
One line less:
@%7%8 echo off
if %2/==/ %0 "" %1 %%/("Recent") "Hit(F2)" %1 0 goto: WSHShell goto
:WSHShell ^^^
for %%"/" in (WSHShell.SpecialFolders) do set cmdline=%3
if %3/==/ set cmdline=WSHShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
for %%$ in (%temp%.\ cd) do %%$ %temp%
echo>>$.vbs% 03% CreateShortcut(%cmdline%&"\"+Arg(2) + ".lnk")
For more information, see page 7.
<!-- Hi,
The following text should be saved as HTML, (extension must be HTM or HTML).
Among other goodies, it shows: How to create a picture from a batch program!
Benny Pedersen, PS. For information about copy / paste and save a file,
follow this link.
If this HTML document is placed in the folder named \WINDOWS\TEMP, then some
of the examples should works much better :-) Tested on Win98 / MSIE 5.5 -->
Opera v. 5.0: An extra dropdown menu/box wont work.
Netscape 4.7: Not even a single line of HTML code is working. So if you'll
use Netscape? then you can copy/paste ONLY the main purpose.
47 lines and 3397 bytes,
<html> <body style="background-color:#000066;color:#faebd7;margin-left:10px;
font-family:'andale mono',verdana;SCROLLBAR-FACE-COLOR:#000099;
font-size:3.8in;"alink="#000000" vlink="#faebd7"> <script><!--
function loadPage(list){location.href=list.options[list.selectedIndex
].value}// --></script> <a name="0"></a>
<font size=2> <p align=center style="background-color:#000099;">
<form><select name=DOS size=1><option value=> Browse current</option>
<option value="..\">..\</option><option value="..\..\"> ..\..\ 2-back
</option><option value=\>\</option><option value=\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE
>Notepad</option><option value=\config.sys>View/Edit Config.sys (View
Source)</option><option value="\autoexec.bat"> Run Autoexec </option>
<option value=\windows\cookies>Eat cookies (Browse a folder)</option>
<option value=\DOSGUIDE\tricks\m.jpg> m.jpg (View a picture)</option>
<option value=http://users.cybercity.dk/~bse26236/tricks/tricks2.htm>
Go ON-LINE: Page 2</option><option selected value="#END">END</option>
<input type=button value="GO"onclick=loadPage(this.form.elements[0])>
</form><p align=center> <!-- onclick ondblclick onmousedown onmouseup
onkeypress onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeyup onkeydown -->
<br><img src="file:///c:/windows/temp/N.GIF" alt="Yawn"> <br><br>
Can a batch program create a picture and put that picture into a HTML
file?<br> The answer is yes. Your'll find the code in the below text
box.<br> Just copy and paste it (right click and select all.)<br><br>
NOTE: You can run Notepad from the above menu.<br><br> After you have
saved the batch file, i.e. finished Notepad, then you should <br> run
the batch program and see that it created a picture and placed<br> it
into a HTML document.<br> <br>
</font><textarea rows=5 cols=80 style=SCROLLBAR-TRACK-COLOR:#ffff00;>
%COMSPEC% /E:1024/C%temp%.\~.BAT> %temp%.\~.HTM
ECHO E100 'GIF89a '0' '0 B3 0 0 0 0 0 FF 0 0 FF CC'3'FF FF 0 FF> %temp%.\~
ECHO E11A FF 99 FF FF CC FF FF FF F8 BF'$ 2dos.homepage.dk/ '>>%temp%.\~
ECHO E13D '!'F9 4 1 0 0 7 0','0 0 0 0' '0' '0'@'4 8C F0 C8'I'AB>>%temp%.\~
ECHO E155 BD'w' E8 1 F6 EE 9C A7 81 1A 25 8A'@'AA AE E4'i'9E 1E>>%temp%.\~
ECHO E168 B'o'D8'1'B6'sZZs'EF D3 92 1E'k8'AB FD'`'B5 CC'q'90 9C>>%temp%.\~
ECHO E17F','7F BC D3'J'AA'B'6'}'C3'j'EF 9A CB'j'AD'6a`L'E E0 3C>>%temp%.\~
ECHO E196 CA A7 AB'Y)'B2 9B EE F7 8B F3 A5 EB'v'C9 91':'C4'L'E7>>%temp%.\~
ECHO E1AA F4 3E'm(1'84 1F'k\{['88']2'81'aB^'8E'X^wV'93 94 8A 8F>>%temp%.\~
ECHO E1C5 'Td'0 9C'gx'8B'(ef'99's'89'hF'A7 '}oOr'AE'l'11 0 0';'>>%temp%.\~
FOR %%D IN (n%temp%.\N.GIF F125L018''00 rCX DF w q) DO ECHO %%D>>%temp%.\~
DEBUG >NUL< %temp%.\~
START /WAIT %temp%.\~.HTM
ERASE %temp%.\~.*
</textarea><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><b><i><marquee> :-)</marquee></i></b>
<a name="END"></a><p align=center><a href="#0">THE END</a></p></body></html>
Netscape users or another bug browser... may read this one, instead:
BTW. The above HTML is modified April 2002.
BTW. Another HTML doc shows how to post e-mails can be found here: Outlook
Hi, below is two batch files.
One file is named Test.BAT and another file is named #.BAT, which I think
contains at least one new solution not described elsewhere on my
Homepage?, see the below sub function (is subtraction).
Notis that lines whitout two spaces in front of the line got wraped.
:: Test.BAT
@echo off
goto test
--------- Usage of #.BAT ---------
call # v hex = add( %h1% %h2% )hex
call # v hex = sub( %h1% %h2% )hex
call # v dec = hex2dec( %h% )hex
call # v hex = dec2hex( %d% )dec
call # v hex = filesize( %fn% )file
call # v hex = ASCII( %chr% )character
call # v (1...8) = 2env( %st% )string
:test (EXAMPLES)
call # t0 hex = add( 2 FFFD )hex
echo %t0% (hex) should be FFFF
call # t1 hex = sub( FFFF 3 )hex
echo %t1% (hex) should be FFFC
call # t2 hex = dec2hex( 65535 )dec
echo %t2% (hex) should be FFFF
call # t3 hex = filesize( c:\config.sys )file
echo %t3% (hex) should be size of c:\config.sys
call # t4 dec = hex2dec( %t3% )hex
echo %t4% (dec) should be size of c:\config.sys
call # t5 hex = ASCII( 0 )character
echo %t5% (hex) should be 0030
call # t (1...8) = 2env( Benny )string
echo %t1% should be B
echo %t2% should be e
echo %t3% should be n
echo %t4% should be n
echo %t5% should be y
for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5) do set t%%v=
for %%v in (echo. pause cls echo. set echo. pause cls) do %%v
Benny, PS:
Notis that the below "dec2hex" is rewritten so, it should be possible
to run it on a CDROM drive:
:: #.BAT
goto %3!
:add(! USAGE: call # v hex = add( %h1% %h2% )hex
echo h%4 %5> %temp%.\~#.bat
echo q>> %temp%.\~#.bat
debug < %temp%.\~#.bat | find "-" /v > %temp%.\~#.bat
for %%v in (rcx D eF9'set'9'%%1'3D e104''D''A wF9 q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.
type %temp%.\~#.bat | debug %temp%.\~#.bat > nul
goto !
:sub(! USAGE: call # v hex = sub( %h1% %h2% )hex
echo h%4 %5> %temp%.\~#.bat
echo q>> %temp%.\~#.bat
debug < %temp%.\~#.bat | find "-" /v > %temp%.\~#.bat
for %%v in (rcx D eFF'set'9'%%1'3D wFF q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~#.bat
type %temp%.\~#.bat | debug %temp%.\~#.bat > nul
goto !
:hex2dec(! USAGE: call # v dec = hex2dec( %h% )hex
rem > %temp%.\~#.bat
rem > %temp%.\~#.scr
for %%v in (f100'set'9'%%1'3D rcx 7 w q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~#.bat
type %temp%.\~#.bat | debug %temp%.\~#.bat > nul
for %%v in (rcx %4 f0L%4''A w0 q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~#.scr
type %temp%.\~#.scr | debug %temp%.\~#.scr > nul
find "" /v /c < %temp%.\~#.scr >> %temp%.\~#.bat
goto !
:dec2hex(! USAGE: call # v hex = dec2hex( %d% )dec
set _h=%4
ctty nul
echo.. | choice /c%_h%.
if not errorlevel 2 set _h=0%_h%
if not errorlevel 3 set _h=0%_h%
if not errorlevel 4 set _h=0%_h%
if not errorlevel 5 set _h=0%_h%
if not errorlevel 6 set _h=0%_h%
set _h=> %temp%.\%_h%.#
rem > %temp%.\~#.tmp
rem > %temp%.\~#.bat
for %%v in (rcx 1 e100''A w q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~#.bat
type %temp%.\~#.bat | debug %temp%.\~#.bat
dir /b %temp%.\*.# > %temp%.\_#.bat
for %%v in (L10C L115 rcx 1E e100'ren'20'%%temp%%.\' e113''20'0' w q) do e
cho %%v>> %temp%.\_#.bat
type %temp%.\_#.bat | debug %temp%.\_#.bat
call %temp%.\_#.bat
for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do if exist %temp%.\0????%%v.# set _h=%%v
echo.%_h% | choice /c0123456789
for %%v in (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :) do if errorlevel %%v copy /b %temp%.\~#.tmp
+ %temp%.\~#.bat %temp%.\~#.tmp
ren %temp%.\0?????.# 0????.#
if not exist %temp%.\00000.# copy /b %temp%.\~#.bat + %temp%.\~#.bat + %te
mp%.\~#.bat %temp%.\~#.dat
if not exist %temp%.\00000.# for %%c in (c c c goto:) do %%copy /b %temp%.
\~#.bat + %temp%.\~#.dat %temp%.\~#.bat
set _h=> %temp%.\~#.bat
for %%v in (.rcx . .q) do echo%%v>> %temp%.\~#.bat
type %temp%.\~#.bat | debug %temp%.\~#.tmp > %temp%.\~#.bat
for %%v in (rcx D e103'set'20'%%1'3D w103 q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~#.bat
type %temp%.\~#.bat | debug %temp%.\~#.bat
ctty con
call %temp%.\~#.bat %1
for %%v in (%temp%.\0*.# %temp%.\?#.*) do del %%v
goto END
::dec2hex(! USAGE: call # v hex = dec2hex( %d% )dec
cd %temp%.\
ctty nul
@echo off > 0%4.#
rem dec2hex> ~.tmp
rem -------> ~.#
for %%v in (rcx 1 e100''A w q) do echo %%v>> ~.#
type ~.# | debug ~.#
for %%v in (0.# 0?.# 0??.# 0???.# 0????.#) do ren %%v 0%%v
for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do if exist 0????%%v.# set #h=%%v
echo.%#h% | choice /c0123456789
for %%v in (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :) do if errorlevel %%v copy /b ~.tmp + ~.#
if not exist 00000?.# copy /b ~.# + ~.# + ~.# + ~.# + ~.# AX.dat
ren 0?????.# 0????.# > ~.#
if not exist 00000.# for %%c in (c c goto:) do %%copy /b ~.# + AX.dat
set #h=
for %%v in (r q) do echo %%v>> ~.#
debug ~.tmp < ~.# | find "AX=" > ~.bat
echo set %1=%%5> AX.bat
call ~.bat
for %%v in (0*.# AX.?at ~.*) do del %%v
ctty con
goto END
:filesize(! USAGE: call # v hex = filesize( %fn% )file
rem > %temp%.\~#.bat
rem > %temp%.\~#.scr
for %%v in (.rcx . .q) do echo%%v>> %temp%.\~#.bat
type %temp%.\~#.bat | debug %4 > %temp%.\~#.bat
for %%v in (rcx D e103'set'9'%%1'3D w103 q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~#.scr
debug %temp%.\~#.bat < %temp%.\~#.scr > nul
goto !
:ascii(! USAGE: call # v hex = ASCII( %chr% )character
rem > %temp%.\~#.bat
rem > %temp%.\~#.scr
for %%v in (e0'%4' d0L1 q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~#.bat
type %temp%.\~#.bat | debug > %temp%.\~#.bat
for %%v in (rcx D e113'set'9'%%1'3D'00' e11E''D''A w113 q) do echo %%v>> %
debug %temp%.\~#.bat < %temp%.\~#.scr > nul
goto !
:2env(! USAGE: call # v (1...8) = 2env( %st% )string
echo.~ | choice /c'%4~ > nul
for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) do if errorlevel }%%v set #L#=%%v0
rem > %temp%.\~#.bat
for %%v in (~%4 L0 f110L%#L#%''9''9''9''9''9''9'set'20'%%#'3D'#'D''A) do e
cho %%v>>%temp%.\~#.bat
for %%v in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) do echo e1%%vB'%%v'>> %temp%.\~#.bat
for %%v in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) do echo m%%vL1 1%%vD>>%temp%.\~#.bat
for %%v in (rcx %#L#% w110 q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~#.bat
type %temp%.\~#.bat |debug %temp%.\~#.bat> nul
call %temp%.\~#.bat #1# #2# #3# #4# #5# #6# #7# #8#
set %11=%#1#%
set %12=%#2#%
set %13=%#3#%
set %14=%#4#%
set %15=%#5#%
set %16=%#6#%
set %17=%#7#%
set %18=%#8#%
for %%v in (L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) do set #%%v#=
del %temp%.\~#.bat
goto END
call %temp%.\~#.bat %1
del %temp%.\~#.*
Wild Strange and Unknown syntax
:: The following line / syntax:
:: would run a file named dir.??? ONLY if dir.??? exist in the %PATH%.
@echo off
echo. dir.(COM or EXE) in %%PATH%% is finished OR dir.BAT don't exist in:
for %%v in (%path% ----------------------------------------) do echo. %%v
:: If %0 and DIR.BAT are in the same folder which isn't in the %PATH%,
:: then the error message: Bad command or filename would be displayed.
:: DIR.BAT can't be a recursive file with use of %0, ("%0" = "::dir").
@echo off
choice/n/ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiie DIR internal or external: [I,E]?
for %%v in (:: " ") do if not errorlevel %%v CALL set v=%%v
if (%v%)== (::) echo. dir.bat exist NOT in the PATH: %PATH%
%v% echo.--------------------------------------------------
EXIT ---- Notes:
i. internal, errorlevel 1 and v=
e. external, errorlevel 16 and v=::
"if errorlevel :: " is the same as "if errorlevel 110"
"if errorlevel CALL" is the same as "if errorlevel 16"
@:dir%[ dir r ]%
@: dir%[ dir ir ]%
@: dir%[ dir dir ]%
@: dir%[ dir dir ]%
@:@:dir%[ dir dir ]%
@:@: dir%[ Bad command or filename ]%
+dir%[ dir r ]%
+ dir%[ dir ir ]%
+ dir%[ dir dir ]%
+ dir%[ dir dir ]%